That and the “average Joe” has little to no concept of the complexities involved with being the President and truly believes that any schmuck off the street can pull it off.
That and the “average Joe” has little to no concept of the complexities involved with being the President and truly believes that any schmuck off the street can pull it off.
I feel sick. Like a sick soul diminishing despair that there is probably a German word for. I saw the photo of his swearing in and his older daughter looks so unhappy.
No one in the Secret Service said anything because they are the ones who stuck the toilet paper to his shoe. His LEFT shoe. It’s a message.
Guess what motherfucker? We all hate “legislators that are too lazy and risk-averse to do [their] actual jobs.” LIKE YOU!
My point entirely. Jonah Hill is a shitty actor.
Weezer’s Africa cover is hovering near the top of my list of “Things I Wish I Hadn’t Lived Long Enough To See/Hear.”
Well her bold font memo note might as well be a whisper into a paper bag in a closet with the door closed. She needs to say it loud and say it repeatedly. She is making a mockery of her own life’s work and aiding and abetting a grave injustice to the American people. Was that her own job interview? Does she think…
Mitchell needs to state unequivocally that her assessment of the situation is relevant only to the (totally irrelevant) question of whether the testimony given that day by Ms. Blasey Ford would be sufficient to successfully PROSECUTE A CRIME. She needs to acknowledge that this is a bullshit hypothetical where the…
Yeah. I wanted Blasey Ford to say “well, Ms. Mitchell, I have learned forge ahead in spite of the anxiety and do things like flying and testifying before the Senate and the world about a deeply traumatic event.
You are 100% correct about the mindset of a prosecutor. Hiring Mitchell in the first place and dragging a job interview to the level of a criminal trial was a cynical ploy to discredit the victim. I doubt any of them even planned on ceding their time to her when it came to “questioning” Kavanaugh. All of these…
TW/ Conspiracy theory
NBC News added: “The FBI had no choice but to agree to these terms...because it is conducting the background investigation on behalf of the White House.”
Do I detect a faint stench of rotten catsup?
No, he’s lying about being a competent and non-biased judge in order to get attention.
Who raised him to think that raping was OK? Uh, the guy with a calendar fetish, that’s who.
No, sorry, I was agreeing with you! I meant my reply in answer to the (probably rhetorical) question from Rochrist.
She has been absolutely meticulous in her efforts to tell the truth. When presented with hard copies of letters she wrote she didn’t just say “Yep, I wrote that and it’s 100% true” she re-read every single fucking word and made notes and corrected even the most minuscule and inconsequential disparity that she found.…
And which of the two has the most to lose by not telling the truth? It’s Kavanaugh. He has the most to lose, he’s a known liar. He is lying.
Calendars are sacred documents y’all
??? I don’t rape. I can’t be a rapist. I have a friend who was raped. Not by me. ???