Lana Delgado

What you are being is super pedantic. 

As one prescient commenter on another site said -- September is “when the whites go away*” — so maybe there is hope?

Suggestion to add to the site: a petition drive to enact a law making it illegal for the descendants of murderers —and those who aided and abetted the crime— to profit from any aspect of the crime in the state of Mississippi. Or one that insists the appropriate municipality declares eminent domain and seizes the

The Tribbles and their decedents likely own most of the officials who could get eminent domain proceedings started.

And don’t forget Turmp warning evangelists that there will be violent uprisings it the Dems take control of congress.

So, are you saying they are just doing their jobs? That the administration has the press by the short hairs because standing up to this fucking bullshit would mean they’d have to get different jobs? 

I can’t believe people are saying he looks “good” or even “normal! You can really see the makings of his sad vampire offspring in that Trump pic.

Also posited that being a Muslim and a “decent family man” were mutually exclusive, so double merh.

Can you even imagine the metric fuckton of shit any woman would have to endure if she came forward and said “Yep, I aborted a Trumpspawn”? 

I’mmmm gonna need you to, um, go ahead and, um, stop recording.”

Wait wait wait ... her title was Customer Experience Manager? That’s not photoshopped?

I was under the impression that Rudy was saying that Turmp is simply unable to say a thing is “true” if there is no aspect to said truth that does not serve to flatter him (Turmp). Therefor, it may not not be Truth truth, but it is Turmp truth. See, the truth is not the truth.

aaaaand HOW was it the subject of an entire morning-long argument? Doesn’t anyone at the White House know how to stream a fucking movie or Google a clip to prove a point and move the fuck on with, oh, I don’t know, running the goddamned country! 

This is the worst game of Guess Who ever.

Detective Tutuola disagrees with the premise of your joke. (Cause he’s a humorless twit.)

Rafael... is, um, someone quoted in the story. ?

I probably should have said Ford Pinto, with its exploding rear end feature, probably objectively worse than the Gremlin. 

Buyers remorse. My 1970 AMC Gremlin IS the best car ever made, best best best best best best best best best best best. I will always only ever buy AMC Gremlins. They are good.

Not winning the election in 2020 will undoubtedly set off Turmp’s paranoia and set his base on fire with hate. Even if it’s a landslide victory for Democrats (and that seems unlikely), the Turmp’s will fucking lose their shit. The only escape is the sweet embrace of death.