Lana Delgado

No. It’s the equivalent of making the entire family, pets included, sleep in the pee bed with the kid that did the peeing.

See the HBO series Here and Now for illustration of your points about shitty white people adopting accessories in the form of children of color.

It’s the kind of knowledge you don’t just pick up on Wikipedia. :)

That’s some classic liar bullshit — “do I look like the kind of guy wh0 ...” and also, yes Donnie, you do look like the kind of guy who.

It’s unmitigated bullshit even if he had said “as a result of the tax cut my company received, the employees each got $1000 bonuses...” -

At one point she refers to her as “Tasha” instead of “Lasha”

This story is way too important for the article to be this sloppy. There is no excuse for letting it remain unedited after so many hours. I don’t care if it was typed on a circa 2003 flip phone. Someone should have fixed it by now.

She may have gotten both names wrong... I thought I heard her say “N. Handy”

No. Just stop it. And fuck off while you’re at it.

Nothing beats the Greatest Generation who (because of the sweater shortages of DubbaDubba2) ingeniously turned the dogs themselves into sweaters. And coats.

One of my main reasons for obsessively checking Wapo.

Paige has been training with a master spy for well over 3 years and she gets the name of the sleazy sailor wrong? Also, why is she calling Elizabeth “mom” in the field?

Can’t wait for Trump to start screaming misogynistic vitriol at Roseanne Barr because he can’t tell her apart from Rosie O’Donnell.

Or Trump is a propaganda tool for ABC. Whichever, doesn’t matter.

He is probably more like Mother Teresa than you would like to think. Exhorting those less fortunate to suck it up for the glory of Tesla/God.

It costs the taxpayers more and the schools get less clean.

A transcendent expression of hope. Thank you.

I wish every adult in this family all the misery the world can muster. I have uberschadenfreude for any and all of them.

Same. A day far far in the future when someone mentions DTJr. and everyone goes “oh, yeah, whatever happened to that asshole.”

I was thinking Feldman was showboating again and this was either a random (or entirely fabricated) incident but then you called him a “snitch” and I’m now forced to defend Corey Feldman. Since when do we call survivors of child sex abuse “snitches”? Seriously, that’s fucked up.