The Skittles crop was a failure.
The Skittles crop was a failure.
I think you know I meant the payoff via the campaign.
Threats, not treats - eww.
Except for the possibly illegal payoff, and the purported treats and intimidation.
Monday horror, Tuesday grief,
She is also a girl who doesn’t have long hair, a Floridian who doesn’t want everyone to be armed, and a teenager who is composed and articulate in the face of tragedy. So naturally they are confused.
“Eat this turnip, or, uh take a nap” - it’s the “chicks be naggin’” shorthand for wifeliness. My Michonne would have thrown that damned turnip at his head and gone to do something more interesting.
An entire group of wounded people, hastily tended on the battlefield by people with little medical experience or skill, was allowed to sleep without an armed guard, just in case one of them died in the middle of the night (from regular, non-zombie-tainted-weapon wounds) and turned. Oy vey.
Pretty sure Marla Maples had to sign a prenatal non-disclosure (on behalf of fetal Tiffany) that is still in effect.
And when Simon reports back to the alley Saviors — “uh, all we found was a lot of blood” — they all assume it came from Negan, not the 5 gallon bucket of zombie goo that was riding shotgun.
The system needs more work on the Humanoid Hand Gesturing And Grasping Of Cylindrical Objects Project (HHGAGOCOP) She is still mimicking the DT2016 model with the weird finger placements.
But if The Wall Street Journal can’t leverage it’s power to exculpate a large corporation and the very red state of Arizona by marginalizing both the person assigned to monitor the vehicle and the pedestrian (a person rumored to have a history of mental illness and homelessness) then what is the Wall Street Journal FOR…
Not only does she not know what she’s talking about, she doesn’t even know who she’s supposed to be talking about. In 2016 more people over 55 died from opioids than people 24 and younger in every state except New Hampshire. Why is she even talking.
At 2:25 at the flagpole. Duh.
They are growing a new crop. (Google Tempe Arizona women bring children to Mosque to vandalize, harass and commit other hate crimes)
Do you like it and are you ever going to use any of it? If not get rid of it. You shouldn’t have to buy furniture to put china in that you are only keeping because it belonged to someone else who liked it.
And wouldn’t an attached house (and extreme proximity to a neighbor’s garage) make all the espionage more difficult to conceal? They have used that garage to kidnap, hold hostage and murder a man! Did they soundproof the garage? Does that little trickle of water from the kitchen sink have to power to muffle all sounds…
The expression is “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun ...” this statistic show this is a lie. That is not the only thing. An obviously more effective thing than a good guy (with good aim) with a gun is a a potential victim who is able to convince a shooters to stop. As for what stopped the other 90…
I live in a neighborhood that is similar with mostly low to modest income families sprinkled with a lesser number of very low income families. It is also an open enrollment area where families (if they can provide transportation) can enroll their kids in pretty much any school in the district. I know many many teens…