Lana Delgado

Please add Hotel Hallway Freestyle Triples Dance, for the next Olympic games. Adding a few random non-participants to the mix for a greater degree of difficulty is genius.

This particular breed of filth bag ultraconservative -Steveniusmillerium - is one who generally rejects traditional religious and community affiliations that confer access to a certain group of ultraconservative compliant Stepford women with whom they can pair off. 

His plan for his utilizing his “higher drive for status” involves finding a woman to iron his damned shirts. Too bad our womany-feelingness renders him repulsive. Catch 22 asshole.

That’s called a Trumprocedure.

Missing from these cogent critiques of his dick-kick inciting tweet: the acknowledgement that the poors are not articulate because their schools fucking suck.

Oh yes, Mittens will be a senator and then get in line for 2020. Woo hoo. The race is on to find a different old rich racist white guy who might be slightly less horrifying than the one(s) we have installed in the highest offices of the land! Good work America.

Pretty sure I read a full description of his disturbing misconduct written by the actor Tambor harassed (not sure if it was on this site or another site) — but if that description was published how can Tambor claim to be in the dark about the details of the misconduct? (Going now to look for a link.)

She was impressed with his “intelligence” and (or +) his “charm” ? So, maybe it wasn’t really Donald Trump she had sex with after all?

Don’t forget how “insulting” that hypothetical skit would be to people who have thoughts.

Wait, doesn’t everyone go around the table at Thanksgiving and list who their sexual partners were (and were not) before the meal is served? No? Just the Brando and Pryor families then. OK.

Bret Stephens is the climate denying shitbag whose NYT hiring made me stop subscribing. Now he’s branching out into Dylan Farrow denying. Figures.

...and now she’s his wife and even if she had been subjected to his abuse at an even younger age than she was when they married she’s not likely to speak up about it.

Jesus also prevents the flu.

“My only hope for you is that you bring home a gold medal”??? Really telling Mike that your ONLY hope for this young man is that (in spite of all the horrific things you have said and done to diminish LGBTQ people) he performs well enough to glorify this country that you are turning into a shithole.

His front hair is attached to the mask that conceals his lizard visage. It lifts up in back for easy removal.

Or how many people spent countless hours a day discussing the possible contents of a Kardashian womb?

Great, the assistant who was tasked with the nipple blurring can put “photoshop proficient” on their resume.

...military service of dead relatives, no less.

Taking what you want when you want it is about power. Deciding that you will pay for a massage then forcing (or cajoling or manipulating)  someone into sex instead of paying a sex worker is about power. I think we are on the same page.

It’s about taking what they want when they want it. Paying for stuff is for poor people.