With any luck the soon-to-be ex-wife of our Truculent Toddler In Chief will be revealing, uh, I mean instigating some shit.
With any luck the soon-to-be ex-wife of our Truculent Toddler In Chief will be revealing, uh, I mean instigating some shit.
Like arguing with most teenagers.
They are still right, he is still wrong AND he never trusted them in the first place!
Teenagers can be shitheads who do and say things that are racist (or stupid, or sexist or mean) because the adults in the room don’t call them on their shit. The ones who aren’t called out grow up to be stupid racist sexist bullies.
I really hope the university has budgeted funds to repair this “memorial” when it gets vandalized daily by the people who it claims to honor.
Thanks, I knew something was 90 days but I threw everything I could at the situation and ended up not remembering what the hell I did. Since the initial 90 days is up soon I will renew the fraud alerts.
“You expect me to trust a news organization that published a picture of me making the same unflattering face and gesture that I make about 99.9% of the time to which I had an unpaid intern add an unflattering shade of Wicked Witch of the West green? Pishaw.”
Speaking of credit reporting... when the Experian hack was revealed (last October?) I rushed to add as many freezes and alerts at all the reporting agencies I could (oddly there are more than the big three, Experian, Transunion and Equifax). I failed to write down the details of the expirations of the temporary ones.…
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahah ahahahahahahahahahah hahah hahh ha ha...
That clip was interminable. That show looks like shite.
Isn’t that standard operating procedure with all government jobs?
Every damned industry in the US needs to stop the secrecy that surrounds pay. Transparency will greatly diminish disparity. If they are not hiding something shady then tell us how much our co-workers make. If there is a good reason that person A makes significantly less than person B then open up the damned books as…
It’s slightly dismissive, as in: “cakes_and_pies, I am disappointed in this comment.”? Kinda like some middle aged white guys will begin every damned sentence with “Listen...”?
I thought the Best Actress/Actor card said “Name of Actor for Title of Movie” and the Best Movie card just has “Title of Movie”, making it weird and confusing that the Best Movie card would have any actor’s name on it.
Me too! That headline is correct... I am questioning everything!
I challenge Mr AroundHere to provide a source that backs him up and will open with this link:
You are right, she is simply unprofessional.
When we lived in Atlanta we reluctantly adopted the custom of calling all soft drinks “Cokes.”
I had an ex who insisted that the word asphalt was pronounced “ash-fault” so I just called it tar so as not to set him off on a tangent.
As a card carrying left leaner I take issue with your implication that the “full body tinfoil” wearers originate from only one side of the political spectrum.