“As bad as Trump is, giving Pence a turn at the wheel would actually be worse because he has the political skills to actually accomplish some of his evil plans.”
“As bad as Trump is, giving Pence a turn at the wheel would actually be worse because he has the political skills to actually accomplish some of his evil plans.”
Not sure how “under the radar” it is, but Steuben’s has fantastic, classic American food. I prefer the one out in Arvada, which has an awesome retro diner vibe to it, but there’s also one downtown, where the retro vibe has taken on a slightly trendier flavor.
That part was so beautifully passive-aggressive that I’m not sure Trump even processed that it was a veiled dig at him.
“I mean, you have to believe she intentionally went to his place to kill him to call it murder.”
This is exactly what I said.
“You keep missing the fact she wasn’t in HER home.”
You do realize that rehabilitation is only one function of the criminal justice system, right?
I think to myself how awful it is to hear this gasbag speak, and then I think about what it must feel like to be President Niinistö, who has to stand up there behind a podium, in a hot room full of people with cameras, and listen to this dickshit rant, all while pretending that he doesn’t want to walk across the dais…
“Guyger told him she wasn’t there but explained that she had worked the event for 10 years. Blevins asked her what time the parade usually ended.“When MLK is dead,” Guyger replied. “Oh wait…”
That’s not really what I mean. Mostly, I’m getting at the fact that that kind of major political upheaval can have unintended consequences.
“Is the idea of the GOP destroying itself gloomy, though? The country would be far better off.”
“You literally can’t argue with logic like this.”
“The argument is about her intent before she pulled the trigger.”
“Examining the circumstances, no reasonable person can conclude that Guyger intended to kill Jean.”
I think it’s pretty obvious she’s lying about something. I don’t know if it rises to the level of conspiracy where she staged this entire scene to try to get away with murdering her neighbor, but something doesn’t add up from her original story.
I don’t have any hard statistics, but to my observations, it always seems like when some cop finally gets held accountable for some bullshit, it just happens to be a woman or a person of color. Funny how that works out...
“A lot of people on the internet are excellent at sounding clever whilst saying absolutely nothing of substance.”
“Not only that, the stars show that Yang and (I hate to say it) Biden are the only candidates pulling 10% or more of Trump supporters. That means that if Yang gets the nomination we win the general.”