
That’s not why people didn’t see the movie. That’s Germain’s off-base interpretation.

Solo was a lot more fun than Lightyear and also has the distinction of not being the worst movie within the larger franchise.

You have to imagine Docter hits the nail on the head here.

That’s true. And there were plenty of people who were super pissed about the White Walker army not being the ultimate Big Bad™ too. Although I feel like the reversal of the primary antagonist being a regular old, power-hungry, shitty human instead of the colossal supernatural threat typical of High Fantasy was pretty

Tell me you have a very superficial understanding of climate change without telling me you have a superficial understanding of climate change.

“To be a little fair to Weiss and Benioff...”

“I think most of the issues were just from trying to fit in too much in too short a space of time.”

Yeah, you just kind of proved their point.

People who keep bringing up “context” as a way to either defend Chappelle’s comments or at least downplay their severity don’t ever seem to want to actually shine any light on said “context”.

My god. It’s amazing to me that you had the awareness to recognize that double-digit people have identified an opinion you shared as bigoted, but you haven’t managed to find the common denominator.

I’d argue that Dave didn’t understand transgenderism, a description could apply to a large percentage of Americans (me, included).”

I would tend to agree that Chappelle doesn’t “understand” being transgender.

That Netflix statement is almost worst that Chappelle’s comments and it’s just pure ignorance when it comes to how people’s speech against a marginalized community manifest into larger problems like violence.

“I guess I just have a hard time accepting that violence against trans people is perpetuated by Dave Chappelle’s set.”

The core underlying thing that perpetuates violence against trans people is the ignorant belief that their existence is invalid—that they are people just pretending to be something they are not.


“but why should a young, healthy plague rat care about this disease?”

Also, I don’t really see the similarity between the ThunderCats theme and that one at all. Other than the fact that both are in a fast 4 time signature.

“You forget how catchy it is”

“The unintended consequences will be so severe, likely a mass exodus of great cops all across this Commonwealth”

“Ultimately, all of the sequel trilogy were retreading the ground of the original trilogy, which is my main problem with them.”

First, it shows us that elaborate plots running around after space macguffins (the heart of so many Star Wars stories) are pointless. Second, it goes further than TFA’s resetting things back to ANH by stripping the Resistance down to an idea, rather than a fleet of ships. Too bad TRoS did not build on those idea.”