lady stone hearts tears

That and people who like to own and be able to access their media even after a digital storefront loses the rights to sell certain movies, or closes down altogether.

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are object lessons in that kind of behavior — though after David Duke did the digital equivalent of telling Carlos Curbelo to his face “Yes, you too” — pensamos que la gente aprenderían, pero no parece que sí

What’s truly disturbing about this presidency is that you might find out that it was a MAGA chud, that he was paid directly by one of Trump’s attorneys, that there’s a very short money trail from Trump to the thief, and that there’s an NDA with Trump’s signature on it... and none of that would be surprising.

Trump says the house was robbed, Cummings says they were scared away almost immediately. Many people are saying Trump has inside information about this intrusion and that he personally hired the person. I’m not saying that I’m just saying what many, many people are saying.

It’s one thing to be told by boomer that you don’t know what you are talking about on a subject in which you hold a PHD and about which you’ve published a book and numerous journal articles. It’s completely maddening to be told that you are wrong when you point out that they are wearing completely different shoes on

Well, Caitlin, you have to read between the lines a bit, but it sounds like he’s talking about the mental effects of aging.

i went to college with an orthodox christian of middle eastern descent who is rabidly anti muslim. I always think, “do you think you’re safe?” Do you really want to rely on an asterisk, that you’re “in the club”.

I met one of those types here in South Korea. It’s astounding to see. Your brain short circuits because you’re trying to find a new way to point out “You know they hate you, right?” that might get through to them.


Saying “it was the wrong choice of words” suggests that there are other words she could have used to make the same point which would have been better. I’m curious as to what she thinks those words would be. She’s not even apologizing for suggesting that Sen. Harris slept her way to the top, just for the words she used

I’m a woman who married young (21) and I’ve been with my husband for seven years. Within the last year, I’ve realized that my falling libido probably comes from the fact that I am not turned-on by our boring vanilla sex routine. I get so little fulfillment that I’d rather not even do it. I’ve tried talking to

Reagan was deeply incapacitated and disengaged by the time he became President. He wasn’t the brightest bulb in the first place, and spent most of his time in office watching old movies when he wasn’t sleeping. It is noted that the only time he ever seemed focused was when he was giving a speech. (Picture Ozzy

I’ve tried talking to him, but he says he prefers sex without foreplay...

Am I wrong for wanting to see Quentin Tarantino recreate this Nixon-Reagan conversation?

Preferring sex without foreplay is just him using her body to masturbate, which is pretty f’d up. I get not being into BDSM, but dismissing her requests to shake things up in the bedroom as “too complicated” (and there are lots of non-BDSM things that they could do) absolutely implicates him having a shitty attitude

For 1/3 of the class, you’re right- it’s about your name, family connections, and wealth. For another 1/3, it’s all about what the student can do for the school- star athletes, musical geniuses, kids with patents in their name, etc. And for the last 1/3, it’s pure meritocracy. And not coincidentally, the meritocracy

Look at all the centrist seats we picked up in the Senate in 2018!

Andy Cohen is E level trash. He really wants to be or thinks he is, as clever as Graham Norton, but he will be doused in glitter before that ever happens.

I hope this helps. This is the person who the far right believes should represent 708,000 people, as a representative of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District.