lady stone hearts tears

If this was a true Florida Man story the conflict between car owner and homeowner would have ended in meth-fueled nude gunplay.

Leave all the croissant accounts in the greys.

I have anxiety. (finding your child after he attempts suicide will do that to a person) Pretty extreme anxiety. Like have to go find a quiet place and put my head between my knees and practice breathing calmly level anxiety.

I suffer from extreme anxiety which is not an excuse. I am ashamed of my actions.

Oh please do tell us what you think “American Culture” is. Because from where I stand this country has always been a melting pot of different cultures.

Sure I did,

Wow, you really doubled down on the racism on this one.

It’s time for some vulgarity. I’m done playing nice and pretending that there’s any middle ground here. At least six kids have died in U.S. custody in the past year from torture and neglect at U.S. concentration camps. No kids died in immigration custody in the decade before that. And now American kids are being

Lol again with the concentration camps.

It shows IQ45 surrounds himself with the worst most incompetent people rather than hiring “the best people.” It shows that he is a walking talking sh*t show incapable of even going to a pep rally without clownish mistakes.

Jesus Christ, when I saw the headline and skimmed the article, I assumed this was during a visit to Mexico, or was at some location where there may be some subversive elements looking to make a fool of him.

Wow. That is some Olympic-level mental gymnastics you did there to try to rationalize a United States citizen being detained for three weeks and denied due process because Cletus the CBP agent decided that his government issued ID, his government issued birth certificate, and other accompanying documentation provided

Fun fact:

This won’t stop unless it is stopped by people who care. And if we fail to stop it soon, it won’t end well. We’ve heard of this incident. Imagine how many more have not been heard of because they may not have people that know they are in trouble or are being detained? How many more Americans will lose their rights,

“I felt humiliated, especially after one of my white friends made a point of asking them to check her bag for the T-shirt, but they refused to do so,”

No! I will not hide in Air Force Two! Ah ha! I’m staying right here. This is my room and no one will drag me out of it, least of all my big bold husband. Michael, what do you think you’re doing? Don’t you touch me! Don’t! Michael! Put me down! Put me down! I can walk on my own.

Also, if you are anything but English speaking Anglo protestant, they will extend it to you after they’re done kicking out persons of color.

signed, a Jew.

There’s another scene where Thanos utterly destroys the universe and the democrats issue a sternly worded condemnation of the action.

Great observation. And it’s a little upsetting that some in the media are accepting a definition of Ilhan Omar as a Jew hating/antisemite. As a matter of fact that tag is being attached to the whole “squad”.