lady stone hearts tears


My only issue is that not a year goes by, not a year, that I don’t hear about some escalator accident involving some bastard kid which could have easily been avoided had some parent - I don’t care which one - but some parent conditioned him to fear and respect that escalator.

There may be widely varying opinions on the Best Hollywood Chris, but you have united us all when it comes to the Worst AV Club Take.

In theory you should be safe, but there are so many factors at play that it’s really hard to tell.

I think she’s there to establish that Della is a lesbian and is not going to have a romance with Perry (which was I believe always a thing in the books and the TV show). She’s helpful to have around in future to give Della a person she can talk to in her personal life. Killing her seems relatively useless because her

It only afterwards that this was probably the most brutal episode as it was filled with so many emotionally horrifying moments, but the way it never stopped to wallow in them just caused it to be this never-ending of sorrow in the best possible way. In addition, the fact that all of those moments were these common

Hobby drama is fun and I am a Ravelry user, so I’ll let you know that the knitters who were banned were NOT “more interested in 3-needle bind-offs than immigration policy.” Like many other dipshits on social media, they were busy organizing themselves to troll knitters of color and creating yarn colorways with racist

Can we talk about that though? I became a huge comic book fan in the 90's, when Punisher popularity was peak. And he always shit on the cops; constantly saying they were useless, incompetent, and just all around idiots that don’t actually care for the welfare of others.
Cops: “Let’s make him our icon!”

All dissonance, no cogs.

The most delightful part about this whole thing is that she filmed herself. She got herself fired! What a thing of absolute beauty. So much fuckery and idiocy and she is the one who released it to the world.

Just commenting to say that I remember her and this ridiculous loss of life. What traffic violation could warrant expending this kind of manpower to serve a warrant, then have officers in siege mode for several hours?! Certainly couldn’t be DUI when Kid Affluenza killed several people, got out on bail and absconded

“Soulless” doesn’t even feel like a strong enough word to describe the all-consuming vortex of moral indigence that would lead someone to advertise that their actions drove someone to suicide after forcing a confession out of them under duress and over a matter for which they weren’t the accused party. Even if her

“My life has been ruined”

“He pushed me off his property!

I don’t know why, but that fucking hand-In-the-pocket shit seems to piss me off the most. Like, “this man Isn’t even worth my full attention, just... kneel on his fucking head. Goddamn It.

“I’m gonna tell them there’s an African-American man threatening my life.”

This is the peak of white womaning. I’m sorry but this needs to be painted with a broad brush. She is the sort of liberal, entitled, privileged, east coast white woman that tweets all the liberal hashtags, wears all the pink hats, eats all the avocado toast, has all the multi-ethnic assiociates, yet the moment she is

As a white woman I would have a hard time not stepping in and actually “threatening” the bitch’s life.

“Mystery Incorporated” is amazeballs. I’ll see your “Big Trouble in Little China” reference and raise you the “War of the Gargantuas” homage, which goes so far as to include that movie’s infamous song “The Words Get Stuck in My Throat.”

Oh, and the gang *literally* visits the Black Lodge, complete with Michael Anderson

Incorrect. An animated Phillis Diller will be a success in every time.