lady stone hearts tears

She probably overplucked them in the 90's and now has to draw them on... Unless that's a tattoo?

Off screen in some ancillary material?

It’s infuriating that her isolation in prison is making her vulnerable to other predators. That's awful.

Just an FYI that Shaun King is reporting that they fired him..

No mention of Lube Dude? My money's on Petey. 

Increased or obsessive religiosity can be a symptom of bipolar mania.

They got theirs already. Slaveowners were reimbursed for their "property".

Yup, she's trying to blame it on being intoxicated.

Yes, the Twitter tantrums will be epic! Bonus: he might actually have a literal aneurysm.

Thisis the trend that terrifies me... When did approval of genocide become ok? 

According to the Newsweek article he allegedly threatened to kill his girlfriend, then himself. Sounds like suicide to me, he just used drugs to OD instead of pills, guns or a knife. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now is the time for Night Monkey to shine!

As an old, the hand over the heart thing is new. We only did that for the Pledge of Allegiance when I was growing up. 

Yeah, there are a ton of white passing/identifying Latinos who are right wing, rabidly anti-immigration of the “my people did it legally variety”, and who’re all in on white supremacy. I see them all the time posting ignorance in the Facebook comments. I kinda want to tell them that their redneck compadres don’t

As a grey myself, I don't have the power to ungrey Mssr Croissant, he seems always to be in the black already. But yes, I can choose to stop taking the bait.

Perhaps you’ve forgotten that the Irish were once considered not white and not welcome in the US due to them being too foreign. White supremacy is a hell of a drug.

If they are born here they are by definition NOT FOREIGN! Unless, of course, what you really mean by foreign is not White Anglo Saxon Protestant, which makes you a racist. Why don't you say what you really mean instead of hiding behind neo-nazi talking points about a foreign invasion. Fuck off Nazi

Not feeding them or allowing them access to showers is killing them by design. Not everyone the Nazi's murdered went to the gas chambers. Many of them were worked and starved to death, others died of Typhus (like Anne Frank) due to the unhygienic conditions of the camps. 

I don't remember Obama's administration trying to deport citizens. Also, they were able to provide the influx of migrant children with soap and food. 

That’s the problem with Nazis. They assign their own motives to their opponents and can’t wrap their brains around the fact that the progressive project is to create a world where no one is considered lesser, or to borrow your repellent phraseology untermensch.