lady stone hearts tears

Wow. I get that there have been hints and allusions to Dany going off the deep end, but that whole sequence of her burning the whole place down was jarring. 

Weekly viewing random thoughts below.

So Arya is going to kill Danny right?

Weinstein is set to stand trial on rape and other charges in June. Sullivan’s decision to represent Weinstein highlighted the tension between the principle of affording legal counsel to the accused and college staff standing on the side of the victims of sexual abuse.

Would people jut fucking read the play before they propose this shit? The women of Athens didn’t just cut off sex, they also seized the treasury, cutting the men off from the funds they needed for the war. I’m down for the don’t fuck ‘em and start robbing legislatures plan, but it’s a flop without that last part.

...and wear robes as work attire

Exactly. Dumbledore may be powerful. He may have secret knowledge. He’s an experienced wizard used to fighting off ancient, powerful, magical creatures and people that are trying to kill him. Most of all, he’s a life-long teacher with the low cunning of those who are forced to outwit mischevious children all day

Darden is 1000000% in the right for this. Black people fought for years to receive representation and fair trials. Anyone who sent this man death threats is, in the year 2019, taking the words of police as fact. IF YOU’RE BLACK WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?! WATERAREYOUDOING?

representing the entire lollipop guild.

Not even the best description I’ve heard today. Limmy nailed it. 

Adding him on Insta now, this very minute. I think I had read about the academic background before, but didn’t know about the animal rescuing. Honestly, if you’re rolling in the do rey mi, why not use your millions for doing good? I would, after I buy that flat in London, Edinburgh, NYC, Santa Cruz. And a ranch in

Yeah, I agree about Ru. I thought Nina should’ve won Snatch Game and was annoyed that she didn’t. I hope she gets to come back for an AS season. 

Hypocrisy may be the moral way to go—until, as time passes, people become more civilized.

I almost thought we were going to have a double elimination with that lip sync. I felt for Nina because I don’t think that’s the sort of performing she does. That’s part of the game, of course, but like give the girl a showtune and I bet it would be rad.

I really wish Ru had put Yvie in the bottom instead of Nina, because Yvie would have slayed that lipsync and sent Silky packing. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: Silky’s real problem is basically that she’s incapable of processing that anybody could ever see her as anything less than the greatest queen in

If Silky were half as talented as she was loud, she’d still be Derrick Berry.

Silky did just about everything you can do to lose a lipsync, and they STILL kept her. Unnecessary wig change. Hair in your face for an extended time. Moves that don’t fit the song. Sloppy, weirdly timed split. Only a passing acquaintance with the lyrics.  I just don’t fucking get it.  They build up Yvie vs Silky

I mean if the sides of the coin are ‘Delusional’ and ‘Self-Aware’ then I agree with you, but that to me is an important distinction. Look, Yvie is not some perfect goddess who can do no wrong but she does recognize her flaws and attempts to do better. The Reverend Ganache cannot claim to do either.

This might not totally be fair but it brings down A’Keria and Vanjie’s stock for me to hear them defend Silky. A’Keria especially tonight really lost me with how shady it was to call out Scarlet FOR ANSWERING SOMEONE ELSE’S QUESTION. And then she called her a hater. By the end of that segment I was feeling angrier