lady stone hearts tears

I love Anjelica Huston but I find these comments disappointing. De Niro, by his own admission, does the occasional commercial movie so he can continue making all the other low-budget indie films that he still cares so much about. You say Last Vegas? I say Being Flynn. Meet the Fockers? I would counter with Everybody’s

To those in the know the greatest example of Archie is clear. Archie Leach (not so bad after all maybe)-

I guess we can stop wondering how German citizens lived through the Third Reich. Just like this.

All of this has happened because of privilege. I know it’s a dirty word to some with lower reserves of melanin but allow me to explain. Americans have literally forgotten what some of these diseases can look like. They are about a generation removed from a close family member suffering through polio and even though

In many cases, that lunch is the only damn meal of the day where the kid’s guaranteed to get decent food. School lunches should be 100% free to 100% of public school attendees. And if they want to get there a little early, the school should offer breakfast as well. 

I will never understand the wilful ignorance of anti-vaxxers, ever. Even when the science is laid out for them they still are all like “but my personal feelings trump any and all actual evidence”. Wait, no, it is white entitlement, saying that they are center of the universe; now I understand it. Just vaccinate your

Great post, but a minor correction:

Three things to note for anyone who might think DeVos has a point relative to “adult time”:

1.) I know of few—if any—dedicated educators who work a forty-hour week. At the college level, hours can vary depending upon course/research load, but the average for a teaching professor at my institution is around 50 during

None of these people have ever seen Auntie Mame, and it shows.

YES. Ugh.

I think some of these outfits would work better if these people did more appropriate, over-the-top hair and makeup. Imagine Awkwafina in this dress but with massive eyelashes, glitter eyeshadow and hair up to THERE?

At least Billy Porter is doing high camp (as opposed to the rest, who are doing kitsch). Lord, I hope Bette Midler was invited - SHE can teach them all how it’s done.

Just a note: “I’m a Christian and my Christian beliefs are you don’t do interracial marriage.” This is a cultural statement not a statement based on actual biblical doctrine. The biblical text deals with interracial relationship in Exodus with Moses, his Cushite wife and Aaron. Scripture speaks of guarding against

Surely you mean abdicate?  Abscond means to take off with it, which doesn’t make sense in that context.

Also, Gwendoline Christie has an absolutely heartbreaking cry face.

That doesn’t have to be the answer. But the answer does have to involve voting any party out of office who has decided that norms and standards no longer matter.

Wow. This is an especially bad meme, because the entire point of “Not today” is that death is an eventual certainty. You say “not today” instead of “never” because eventually everyone dies. Valar morghulis.

Thats not even the issue at this point. Yes a democrat would likely be less terrible. But MAJOR flaws in accountability within our government have been exposed all the way to the top. We are now in the age of shameless. Norms do not matter anymore. And if the answer is, we can only have democrats in government across

It’s a little known fact that one of Martin Luther’s 95 theses was about how the Pope kept spoiling plot points.  

Your headline says it all. Of course this is what they were doing: this is why these hypocritical asshats employ illegal immigrants in the first place.