lady stone hearts tears

My condolences to the family.

It’s an amazing mindset, that people who buy their product and personally injure themselves with it aren’t just liable but are outright criminals for doing so

That’s so weird, because the report literally says “but does not exonerate him.”

I have been watching from afar and really wanting to stay out of this mess (already with some burner account with a pathetic homophobic taunt). I will say this...

They call themselves victims because they are incapable of performing adequately on a level playing field. They know they’d be the ones in the gutters and on the streets trying to find some form of job or money if they had to fairly compete for their positions and wealth. And for some reason whenever people start

Knowing how the elders in the JW treat far more venal sins of their followers makes this story even more fucking infuriating than it would be otherwise. Based on what I’ve heard from the Witnesses in my life, being disfellowshipped (which can be an incredibly devastating punishment for the people involved) for consens

She’s got so much goddamned money that she’s been living on the moon for decades and has no idea what the hell is happening at any given moment or how to interact with people outside her immediate reality.

I never thought leather lingerie could be so boring. And it only comes in Extra Small, Small, and Medium. Why am I not surprised?

The best part of this write up is that they primarily identify Paltrow as the star of Shallow Hal.

I think Babs has the unique take that can unite everyone on the MJ front. She is clearly acknowledging these kids were molested so the deniers can’t get behind it. But she is basically saying it was no big deal since they ended up getting married and having kids. So, obviously, those who believe he’s guilty can’t get

We believe in Christian values of forgiveness and believe that people can change and redeem themselves over time, opinions are not set in stone. Unlike liberals, we understand you are not going to change minds without any attempt towards reconciliation or constructive dialogue.

Right? “His sexual needs were his sexual needs.” I can’t even wrap my head around how a person can just say that when the “need” in question is sex with children. Children’s needs—safety, not being raped, not having a trusted adult manipulate and abuse them—greatly outweigh whatever sexual needs Jackson had.

Trust me in that it did not survive long.

My wife and I live in NE Ohio.

We were out for a walk this morning, and saw a small, handbill-sized poster stapled to a light pole.

It featured a classic, 50s-era depiction of a square-jawed, crew-cut white man, and a flaxen-haired, long-tressed white woman.

It read, simply, “We Have A Right To Exist!”

I’m Scotch-Irish by

This is such a Debbie Downer post to throw out there, but here goes. My half-brother molested me. The relative who molested him also molested my dad. My dad and I are close, and we do 5Ks together, or partner up to do relay marathons. I am in my 40s, and my son and I visit my folks for a sleepover every now and then,

I see Baracka’s set up one of his little troll bridges attached to your comment...which is a shame since ["fun fact"] doubling down on stupid is pretty much his effect on any thread he “contributes” to...

But remember when in doubt make sure to blame the Democrats like precious little Baracka down there. Sure the Republicans are clearly wrong about practically everything, but roar Democrats! That's helpful. 

“I think our government and society is incredibly corrupt so most people don’t know how to deal with it so they ignore reality.”

Man you missed the entire part of casting Hamilton the way they did, didn’t you? That flew so high over your head I don’t even know what to say to you.

I think people are starting to view women in fat suits in the same way they’re viewing casting for cisgender actors to play trans roles, or “abled” actors playing people with disabilities - it’s more about the idea that there are some people who don’t get represented very often on screen, and it would be great if we