lady stone hearts tears

Dude has a ton of policies. It’s one of the things his acolytes won’t stop telling me about. And that’s much better than the alternative.

he had “support” from the “entire country” (do german jews not count here?) because he killed all his enemies. is that good leadership? or is that, you know, killing everyone who could challenge your leadership?

I hope NYC rejects him (I’m sure he’d like to have a fancy mausoleum in Riverside park like Grant), and instead recommends he be buried in Jersey.

He’s so addled that it’s seriously disturbing. The man is the President of the United States and he couldn’t even come up with “Hey John McCain - tanks for nothing!”

That context makes me think of everyone who participated in this protest as a bit of a hero. and fellow wrestling coach...

I taught my nephew how to make mac and cheese. I think it can be off-putting when you meet someone and they say that they can’t cook. Everyone can cook. You may not have the patience to cook, but everyone can cook.

I don't have any sons but yes, I would if I did.

Am I the only one who gets that Puppygate is not about the puppy? It’s a gross oversimplification, like saying that Watergate was about a hotel break-in. But like Watergate, it’s the not crime that’s the issue here. It’s the cover up. Puppygate is about LVP being a scheming, Regina George-esque puppermaster for

It’s a ferociously-right wing newspaper owned by a pair of tax exiles. The paper has a long history and for many years was famous for its depth of coverage of domestic and foreign affairs. Until relatively recently it would have been considered a paper of record alongside The Times.

10 years ago was the 90’s

I legitimately read that headline to mean that these moms were going to be starring in a porn that their children would then watch. While still horrifying, the truth is far, far less appalling. 

The cops playing soldier thing has gone on too long. Allowing them to get military (or military-adjacent) hardware was a big fucking mistake.

Has anyone ever pointed out that sometimes, the same people that work on forces are also the same ones that burn crosses?

The irony was that report was mostly done under the Bush DOJ.  It just happened to be released after Obama became president.

I’m sorry you have to go through that, Tiffany.  It’s not fair, but at least you had the sense to distance yourself from the family and that horrible person.

*sips turnip wine* No one listen to Ivars when he say Melania might be least rotten potato. See, when you grow up with only potato for friend or food, like Melania, you know when is time to play game and when is time to eat. Jared and Ivanka, they have many potato, so they play with food. Is fuck cluster.

“So he said to young Sam: “if you lose your cow you should report this to the Watch under Demonic & Farmyard Animals (Lost) Act of 1804. They will swing into action with keenness and speed. Your cow will be found. If it has been impersonating other animals, it may be arrested. If you are a stupid person, do not look

In defense of Obama, the first black President declaring white nationalist groups terror groups would’ve led to fucking revolts in our deeply racist country and even earned scorn from his own party, many of whom are way more racist than they let on.

We put in $2600 last year because we were planning to have a baby (unfortunately that didn’t happen). We had about $1000 left over, and the grace period ends today (3/15).
After buying all the bandages/first-aid kits, insoles, sunscreen, pre-natal vitamins I could stand to look at I still had hundreds left over.