lady stone hearts tears

This is speculation, but maybe he’s saying the earth learned it the previous year, not that he personally, or SHIELD as a group, did. Once it was something that could no longer be kept secret, they needed that big showy weapon to show the people of Earth that they had things under control.

Did you even read this article or what she said? She wants a more diverse and inclusive pool of critics and to you that’s a “ Regressive Leftist attitude” in caps for some reason?

I think this film is being unfairly compared to Black Panther. Consider BP takes place almost entirely in Wakanda, away from Marvel’s events. Both Thor sequels take place mostly away from Earth entirely. Ant Man and its sequel takes place outside of the Avengers films.

It was a coup, plain and simple. Dilma was impeached over an accounting transaction that was routinely used by previous presidents and governors throughout the country. In other words, they created a retroactive crime to kick her out, and installed a group of “market-friendly”, bribery-hungry vultures, who immediately

While I’m sure it’s probably very difficult for Paris to hear about what her father did, is she really a working actress to say this will hurt her career?

Yeah, they already wrote this book. It was called The Illuminatus! Trilogy, and it was 1000% better than this plotless garbage.

You might be legitimately the stupidest person I’ve ever engaged with.

Literally nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished via trolling. It is a childish, useless endeavor that does more to diminish the troll than to tear down the victim. It’s beneath any reasonable human being, and should be far beneath anyone claiming to call themselves a “professional journalist.”

Um, it has nothing to do with Stephens’ bad views and everything to do with Kalaf expressing himself with the maturity of a 2 year old. What I can’t believe is his absolute lack of self awareness because I don’t know what he sees in the above exchange but all I see is Kalaf getting his ass handed to him, like Ka Mai

That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.

God I dislike Khloe Kardashian so fucking much. Woman, you are THIRTY FOUR FUCKING YEARS OLD. Take this mess off of Twitter and grow the fuck up. Also, this cracked me up.

Gladys Knight being on a reality competition is painful. Gladys Knight losing to Donnie Osmond and T-Pain is even more painful. Gladys Knight getting critiqued by Anti-Vaxx barbie and the girl who thought she was too good to be a Pussy Cat doll is the most painful thing I’ve ever read. I’m just going to pretend like

Fixed that for you...

I mean, say what you will about Elizabeth Holmes, but my god is she an amazing pioneer in the field of gender equality for massive corporate con-jobs. 

Yeah. Google “Young Adult Controversies” if you want to delve into some truly dystopian stuff. I’m all for being sensitive and respectful and reflecting on your writing because of it, but there are armies of people who TANK ratings if there’s a whiff of something they might not like. The high profile ones have been

I’ve heard rumors that BCoop is gay for years. I have really no opinion on whether he is or not, and I don’t consider it a negative. He can be gay or straight or bi or fluid or whatever floats his boat. But Jennifer Esposito’s “ha” might have more depth to it.

Wait, so that’s NOT the mom on Arrested Development? How did I wander away from AV Club?

So much of the country still struggles to get out of dial up territory because of oligarchical business practices i.e. you stay out of my territory, I’ll stay out of yours. Not to mention the billions in free money the government gave the telecom companies to research and develop better technology that instead went to

Mug cake is also a great way to use up some ‘special’ butter without having to bake a whole tray of brownies.