lady stone hearts tears

Along with the fact that crosses are being used to represent the dead, a number of whom are Jewish.

the two things that is criminally under reported is (1) the shooter literally carved swastikas into the side of his gun and (2) the school has a very large jewish population

the nouveau white are getting zealous and becoming white supremacists. Partly to cement their white credentials

How do you define “support for Israel”? I actually don’t give a damn how you do it because it turns out that Jewish communities define it a lot of different ways, and vote accordingly, including support for Palestinian rights and a legitimate two-state solution. We also vote based on domestic policy like taxes,

I’ve been saying this since Sandy Hook. The American people should be forced to see the ultimate effects of this horrific violence. Every newspaper and television news channel should have shown uncensored pictures of the dead first graders in Sandy Hook (so long as the parents of those children allowed it). It turned

Good. They should deny her entry.

I must wholeheartedly ‘Ugh’ this. It is awfully self-satisfied and entitled to think you can swan around in a garment that makes you take up an enormous amount of room and jeopardize collections and also lead a lot of people to think you work for the space. I think she is just a fancy asshole.

I don’t know her personally, but I run in the same circles as her. MOST people who dress up like this know that you should ALWAYS ask first because most museums and historical places (especially the big ones like the Met) are not cool with this sort of thing. So this gets a big eyeroll from me.

The rumor mill says that Hicks “dated” the other White House people as cover for the affair. Who the hell knows. I’m actually inclined to believe that story because it helps explain how and why the White House botched the Porter thing so badly and then got so defensive about it for what seemed like no reason.

Sure, this might seem bad on the surface, but you’ve got to remember that as denizens of the Southern Hemisphere, Australians speak with a slightly different register, which results in a frequency that cannot be detected by the ear of a Wolff.

To clarify, Tina twice gave the police fake names during that traffic stop. She eventually told them her real name; when asked why she lied, she answered that she thought she might be “in trouble” with the police (she had taken off from the hotel where CFS had placed her).

I think there’s a difference between being punished and just not wanted for work, but I think Monique is somewhere in between. She stated that she declined going overseas for promotion because she full-filled her contractual obligation and wanted to spend time with her family. As an employer, I wouldn’t look to hire

“He said he heard that I was a big fan of his,

So does that mean GOPer voters can be redeemed if we remove the crayons from their brains?

Then whose skull did I buy on ebay??

To me, that’s the unsavoury part of this. If an overmatched skier from Tibet gets to the Olympics despite facilities or coaching or funding and represents his country gamely, fair ball, that’s the Olympics ideal. But this dilettante gamed the system in a way that only a 1%er could, by flying all over the world at the

Yes calling out you bitch ass crackers and your bullshit makes us racists. Being tired of your fucked up attitudes and inability to see yourselves as anything but paragons of virtue or victims of political correctness makes us racists. Answer me this Becky or Chad why the fuck did you come here? Oh were the articles

Women and gender-fluid people run the show, and are his bosses, and are powerful in the context of this show. Why are they not responsible for the environment in which victims could complain, as much as Jeffrey Tambor is?