lady stone hearts tears

Where do you get Aerys was raped? I don't remember that from the books?

They were set alight by the dragon fire

They were the stashes her father, Aerys, had made and stashed around the city during Robert’s Rebellion. He was going to burn down the city rather than allow it to be taken. It's why Jaime killed him.

I think depictions of what we would today call war crimes should be jarring.  

Yah, is it just me, or is that kinda threatening? 

Denial and repression works great until they erupt and makes a person literally ill. In fact, it could be argued, that denial of America’s white supremacists origins has caused this eruption of Neo-Nazis marching in our streets. As a white person I have to call out this bullshit. Denial and repression isn’t working

It’s good reading:

Great essay, many thoughts. But I was distracted by the word choice absconding when you were discussing Madonna. She's not stealing the title of Pop-Queen, perhaps you meant she's not abdicating her throne any time soon? 

Yes but didn't Danerys's translator whose name escapes me explain that High Valyrian has no gender- which is why the prince that was promised can also be a princess. That would mean that volanquar means more accurately younger sibling.

I thought the idea was that the two Nebulas became quantumly entangled due to the time travel shenanigans.

I don't feel that they hid it though. I read the story and the accompanying How It Was Reported piece.

The Queen of England dispenses bourgeoise guilt? That word doesn't mean what you think it does. The Queen as a monarch is literally the antithesis of the bourgeoise, which means middle class.

Phrasing! Nephew-lover makes it sound like he's into Sansa's kid. I propose lover-nephew.

I’m disappointed in the lack of Zombie Rickon. I had my heart set on it.

I don't know that there would be much new tech developed. They really made it seem as if the world was struggling to recover/stay afloat post snap. They couldn't collect garbage, how much new tech would have been released?

They couldn't because it would snap Tony's kid. It was literally his condition for helping.

Was literally thinking about this in my seat in the theater once I saw the highschool hallway scene. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Harvard has walls and gates. I don’t think randoms can just bring their dog to Harvard Yard.

Everybody is forgetting about Rickon! They mentioned bringing him down to the crypt in Battle of the Bastards. Zombie Rickon is definitely happening.

You're thinking of the Mid-Atlantic accent that many 30's actors have?