lady stone hearts tears

I’m a Jew and there aren't any. 

Thinking he’s stupid is letting him off the hook. He’s deliberately arguing in bad faith to score political points to try to undermine Kerry’s credibility.

White Supremacy's a hell of a drug...

I don't think he's capable of that much forethought in his words. But once the dogwhistle nature of that remark is pointed out to him, I don't think he'd mind. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yes! Let them colonize Africa! What could go wrong? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Except the term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 specifically to describe the hatred of Jews.

I remember seeing the photo way before this happened and being touched by its poignancy. Now, after hearing how he lived and died, it's absolutely haunting. Was he trying to ask for help? Was he somehow compelled by his white adoptive parents to do that and provide that photo op? The implications make me nauseous.

You should get your other friends together and organize a proper shunning. Make it sting irl.

Nope. Not his character from River's Edge, he was Ruben from a 1991 film Ruben & Ed. 

Regardless of what Biden believes, Eskimo kisses are inappropriate with relative strangers over the age of three.

Except several people have said he was inappropriate, but I have yet to see him listen. He doubled down on "believed he did nothing inappropriate."

Thank you for not ungreying that choad, Extraordinary Landmine. You're doing G-d's work.

Had to look up remora. Now I need to find the brain bleach to get the image of Trump’s taint remora out of my head. Thanks a lot.

The Big Lie here is that Trump is a competent, sane individual who is qualified to be President.

It’s Jose Lopez who won the $13 mil settlement. George Lopez is a comedian.

I hope you ripped that shit down.

I’ll just leave this here

Tump true believers so desperate to ignore the reality that they elected a con man Russian plant are doubling down on stupid.

Exactly! He didn't rise to power by general consensus, but by having his brownshirt thugs beat the crap out of the opposition in the streets and then manipulating the public. He then consolidated his grip on power by sending political enemies to the camp.