lady stone hearts tears

God thing he inherited the paper from Daddy as presumably no reputable outfit would hire a reporter who writes like a racist fourth grader.

Thank you. That bugged me too.

Considering Kelly had a 3 volume graphic novel prequel it was a real missed opportunity for episodic TV. Why did no one tell him “Dude, too much story for a feature, TV’s where it’s at”

Thanks! I just made this my profile pic in facebooklandia

Even if they hadn’t been forced to change venues it still would have been a clusterfuck because they were trying to plan a complicated event that would require about 18 months of preparation in under 6 months. And the Pablo Escobar site was even less developed than greater Exuma.

For real? Occam's razor mf. The simplest explantation is usually correct. He's a rapist, and if you find yourself bending logic that far back to exonerate him, you're a rape apologist.

Here’s where you’re wrong. A powerless group mocking those in power is not hate speech. Humor is a powerful coping mechanizims to deal with a society that seems set up to dehumanize them. As a white person I don’t get offended at all the mayonnaise jokes because I realize it’s not about me, but about expressing

Yes. In interviews with him in the 80's &90's he comes off as coherent and well spoken. Nothing like the word salad of these days. There was a video floating around analyzing his speech patterns and showing a clear decline.

Oh it definitely is. The sleep deprivation is one of the main symptoms.

He’s sleep deprived because he’s in the midst of a manic episode. He needs an anti-psychotic and some sleep.

He was arrested.

I hope it’s some consolation that the f*cker was arrested.

Yup. It’s like if Jackie Coogan did blackface!

Sean Gunn does the motion capture for Rocket which is why he’s in the credits.

But how much of that “looking down on others” is a real thing that liberals do vs projection on the side of an embittered base that has been roused to a frenzy by Fox, Limbaugh and Jones feeding them lies? Lies like liberals and city folk hate and despise you? Because as a coastal “elite” (ha!) I can honestly say that

Human Rights are progressive ideals, not conservative. For example our Founding Fathers were the liberals of their day rebelling against the conservative supporters of the English King.

Damn! Are you being willfully fucking obtuse. You can draw pictures of naked people fucking too. And yes it’s as old as civilization.

I’m sorry he did that to you. (((Hugs)))