lady stone hearts tears

Oh you sweet summer child... Customer tips pay way more than 1/5th of a servers wage! In some places servers get paid $2.13/hr... Tips made up the entirety of my take home pay when I waitressed in NYC.

That’s exactly what happened. If you click thru to Hollywood Reporter story they have Facebook video taken by the thief. He’s woohooing like he won, brazenly holding the statue and talking with folks- it’s not like grabbed it and ran, he was mingling.

If you do not label your posts as soon con and try to pretend you’re a journalist then honey, it’s unethical.

Nevermind I shoulda scrolled.

Really? You’re comparing genocides? Make no mistake what the US did to the Native Americans was every bit as genocidal as what the Turks did to the Armenians.

Pennies. Unrolled pennies would’ve been way ruder.

I’m sorry, but does the country of China not count? They’re Asian and they’ve banned her- is it ok to be offended now?

I’m kinda shook by how many commenters think that what Gigi Hadid did was no big deal- as opposed to rascist as fuck. It wasn’t ok in 3rd grade and it sure as hell isn’t acceptable as an adult. Actions have consequences and getting banned from China is hers.

It felt like she was doing Gillian Anderson in The Fall with occasional lapses into half baked London/cockney.

If the funeral scene is a flashback or from a different time period they would absolutely provide wardrobe for background. Having extras bring in their own clothes only works in a contemporary setting.

Seriously? You couldn’t dismiss the obvious anti-semite?

That rose colored wine you’re thinking of is White Zinfendel which is sweet and shares nothing with a true rosé but the color. The newer rosés are dry and delicious.

Thank you for this, it’s a thing of beauty!

Thank you, the was amaaaaaazing!

There is a great and hauntingly beautiful documentary about that case called Zoo. I highly recommend it. (There is no bestiality shown)

He’s also not known for live theater... Just film, where you can always fix any screw ups in post.

Are you sure the laughter was coming from the media? The man’s been known to bring his own boosters before.. See: CIA speech

One difference, Obama and Hillary weren’t planning on building new privately run prisons to hold those detained...

Same reason they had the Feds stop tracking rightwing domestic extremists...

Supreme Court Justices still need a 2/3's majority, so yes he will need Democratic votes to be confirmed.