lady stone hearts tears

I was responding strictly to clarify that she was not mixing up R Kelly & Ray J and was correct about the pee. Not endorsing slut shaming, just reiterating facts.

Nope. Beet is correct.

Really? I thought part of Kris genius is that she’s shrewd enough to realize Kim has no natural talent in acting or singing and assumed it was Kris who kept that from happening after observing how Paris was roughly derided for her music and acting.

Welcome to the world wide web, you’re clearly new.

You can’t appropriate from dreamdians, silly.

He sounds like a high school kid, who didn’t do his homework, winging a speech in civics class.

Or maybe it’s because she’s a lawyer and he was smart enough to know she wouldn’t put up with his shit. It’s funny how predatory people seem to have a sense for that. See also rape & abuse survivors being revictimized.

Because she didn’t tell them she was ditching everything to become a Prince’s side piece? And in the absence of evidence that she consented to the scheme her family believed her honor to have been at stake.

The idiot probably thinks he’s “getting ahead of the story.”. I could see him going “oh noes! I’m in jail! My fans!!!!!! How do I make myself into the victim?"

Good summary, just one nitpick... Alerts executed Ned’s father and older brother. There were only 3 Stark sons in that generation. Rickon was Ned’s dad.

You could also ingest a brain eating amoeba that way. No. There’s a reason most survival guides tell you to treat your water.

You got Jinja’s! ‘cuz it says you replied to Beets. Hence the miscommunication

The Mountain is known for raping Elia Martell (Rhaeghar’s wife) to death during the sack of Kingslanding.

The war was pretty much over at that point. Rhaeghar was killed at the trident & kingslanding had fallen. Iirc that was mentioned before Ned fought Dayne in front of the Tower... “I looked for you at the Trident, but you weren’t there...”

Interesting. I had read somewhere that women tend not to use guns in suicides because they were concerned about the physical mess they would be leaving behind for someone else clean up.

Looks like a bad superhero comic book character’s costume...

Really, grabbing a gun from a cop isn’t an assassination plan, but a cry for help. I the only one wondering if the SBPD should take some cadaver dogs for a nice stroll on the grounds? Like, I knew he was a perv who liked kids, but now I’m really concerned that he killed and ate them too.

Aloha Dog is a very different movie from Alpha Dog, I think. 😉

Not as much as you’d think. Both homophobia and misogyny bubble up from the same fetid swamp of fragile masculinity.