lady stone hearts tears

^frown. Not friend. Aaargh

No. Not respecting a safe word is a violation of consent and most folks in the kink community would friend upon it.

Under California divorce law, she’s only entitled to 1/2 of what he earned during the marriage of 15 months. Which, compared to his net worth, is peanuts. So, the blackmail theory would be that she’s making a play for a bigger piece of the pie.

Yes, I do, because they’re not strangers on the internet. What I find most frustrating is this feeling amongst the spoiler averse that it’s something that’s personally victimizing them. Yes, there are the occasional @holes for whom spoiling =trolling (IE the jerks who spoiled Dumbledores death for folks waiting in

You don’t know me well enough to make that judgement. I don’t maliciously spoil stuff, but I have been yelled at for “spoiling” things by giant babies who think they have the right to go into Citizen Kane unspoiled.

No, hon. We’re just tired of the whingeing about spoilers. Every. Damn. Week.

But a reviewer is provided a copy of the book by the publisher to rewire. Critique is also a covered by fair use. Neither of which is applicable to spoiler dudes case. He’s leaking protected information that he had no right of access to. But unlike those behind wikileaks, it cannot be argued that we, the public, have

That would require introspection, so... never? I don’t think he’s capable of that.

And have someone she loves and trusts chanting “end it!” Repeatedly.

Yes, but repeatedly texting someone to go take a leap is different than a one off.

Not to pick on you, darlin’, but mental illness doesn’t not equal mentally challenged. Mentally challenged is used to refer to those with very low IQ’s and those who suffer from ailments like Down’s Syndrome or cerebral palsy. Mental illness refers to ailments such as depression, anxiety or schizophrenia. Some

But I’m not sure that’s how it works from a legal standpoint. He was involved in the illegal activity (Street racing) that caused the deaths. I believe (not a lawyer) that’s felony homicide the same as if he was driving a getaway car in a robbery that resulted in a death.

There’s the Hippogriff ride which is a kiddy coaster that my niece’s looooved. But most of the really fun kids rides are in the other sections of the park. The Dr Seuss land is phenomenal. Also remember to bring swimming gear and change of clothes as there are quite a few water features and rides where you will get

Thank you. Finally someone says it! The girl can’t act. She was hired in Clueless because that character is fairly close to her actual personality.

No, you’re not overreacting. What kind of monster does that? Unless there was some valid emergency (ie roommate OD’d, family crap) there is no excuse.

Subtle is the word you’re looking for. Back brace’s are medical devices that can be covered by insurance or Medicare. Trader Joes is an affordable grocery store in LA. And Hollywood has lots of socio-economic diversity from the 1% to the homeless. It’s not all glamour. Your “joke” is elitist, not offensive, but it,

That’s not better either. What if the person can’t afford one? Then you’re mocking the poor, too.

Diversity isn’t just about race.

There is a spectrum of Orthodox Jewish beliefs. The Doc you were educating may have been Modern Orthodox, not UltraOrthodox. It should be noted, that even different sects of Haredi (UltraOrthodox) don’t agree on everything.

Nope. We can’t be embalmed and out casket must be “kosher” but we don’t just drop our dead into the ground.