lady stone hearts tears

Please read anacanapana’s response to flaagan above. It’s about triage. The white community in this countrycountry, on the whole is doing OK. Yes, white rural poverty is a problem. But, white rural Poor’s aren’t being targeted with lethal force by the people they hire (the police, being paid for by taxes should be

Yeah, not really understanding the confusion over the concept of a tortilla...

It’s not the DRs! The problem is their employer, the Catholic Church. The dr, may be a Jew, Presbyterian, or Buddhist, but they are hired by the church. It’s not the docs religious beliefs at play here.

Oh, she sounds like she could be my Dad’s cousin! Does vaguely Mediterranean sound right? Yup, not white enough for the south. That would be why my parents put up a fight when my brother was considering moving his family to Huntsville.... It was “do what you think is best, but of you move there, no more free

A bit confused here. Was the “you don’t have blue eyes” a polite euphamism for the n-word? Or is you prof white and that town is particularly aryan?

Men being victims of the patriarchy is part of feminism. Feminists have been arguing that for years! And in return we’ve been called feminazis, dykes (a badge that this cis hetero gal wears proudly, ‘cuz f tha man), hysterical aborting bitches, and that’s just what they called me in HS. But “manspreading” damn, now

Irish gov =/= the Vatican.

She lost her job because she worked in PR, and that tweet was a public relations nightmare. Because she was a flack, she likely had a bunch of journalists following her, hence the piblicity. An argument can be made that she was incompetent at her job if she couldn’t predict the shitshow that would ensue by tweeting