
When we have conversations about appropriation, I wish we’d do our research. Christina is half Ecuadorian. I don’t know how she self identifies, but why ignore it? Because she looks like the average white chick?

Look, “Fighter” still slaps.

I LOVE Stripped.

Kanye West’s brunch = Fyrefest 2.0 what is this shit

If you still support Kanye West you deserve to be swindled out of your money while the rest of us laugh at your misfortune.

Let me help you rationalize your irrational hatred. She’s been accused of sexual harassment by two people. Whether or not those accusations are true, she did display a pretty sickening lack of respect for consent or boundaries when she kissed a kid on national TV despite him explicitly saying he didn’t want to do it.

I can’t stand “journey,” it makes my eyes roll so hard. It always has; even before I had 8 years of infertiliy and had that word shoved at me ten thousand times. Someone  even suggested we name our child Journey (horrified shudder.)

I just can’t with people who say shit like “my personal truth” or “my journey”. Fuck off.

The Little Girl Who Wasn’t A Little Girl one freaked me out for MONTHS. I would freak myself out about it after my then boyfriend went to sleep, imagining a little girl appearing at the end of my bed. Just so spooky especially since multiple people saw her. 

The thrift store story reads like the script for a rejected Hallmark movie. I don’t believe it one bit.

really? that one does nothing for me and additionally the whole “i looked like a twin of the little girl in poltergeist” thing read very fakey to me. most of the winners this year were not ones i starred at the contest page. i miss madeleine.  :(

Yeah the thrift store story is not real. It’s a moderately well written short story but...not real. I wish people would stop treating this as a fiction submission contest, I only want that real shit!

I think one of my all time faves was a comment that never made it to the lists. It was about the Jinn that was spotted through binoculars by soldiers that seemed walked in place.

The scariest thing about the ouija board story is that a Chick Tract gained enough sentience to write it!

“I feel disrespected by the memory of people pointing out I was a deadbeat, rather than the fact that I’m a deadbeat, so I guess my only recourse is to teach my ex a lesson and get her arrested”

I recently noticed the same thing re: Courtney Cox. However, I don’t think I noticed it at the time because, looking back, she wasn’t anywhere near the most extreme example of what was considered the ideal body in the late 90s-early 2000s

Nah, dude, you’re not getting it: Sanders is getting the participation trophy. He attended history while other people made it. Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy wrote, redrafted, argued, broke arms, and won for S-CHIP - which was basically the first program to guarantee universal health care for all children. (S-CHIP

I didn’t mention any racist surrogates - I said he needed to address his own problematic history.

Agreed. AOC often talks like her allies (democratic socialists, I guess?) are the first to take on these really big fights, when she’s standing on the shoulders of others. It’s not just that Hillary Clinton deserves credit for CHIP. It’s that CHIP was the compromise position after Hillary was unsuccessful in getting

If we are going to demand Elizabeth Warren address problematic surrogates then we sure as hell better deman Bernie address his own problematic history when it comes to race.