
I would add easy access to nature for everyone. That was the point of Central Park. Yes, some people got to live right next to it, but everyone could access the park and get away from the noise and cramped living conditions. 

None of these “health” and “wellness” efforts will ever be effective because this country has the most fucked up ideas about what good health really means. Since the mid-20th century, good health equals skinny and youthful. That’s it. Doesn’t matter how you got skinny and youthful looks and stayed that way. You could

Ways to significantly increase Wellness:

I’m old enough to remember all the New Age woo shit and then watched it morph into “wellness.”

Because “wellness” is a heapin’ helpin’ of horseshit.

You’re not allowed to touch the gorillas. When they come too close to you, the guides yank you back. This is for two reasons:

Sounds just like Shaun King too, I’ve recently done a deep dive about him and I can only conclude he’s simply a narcissist out to pad his own nest.

yeah woof. obviously not the intent but very unaware

Yeah, I can see how it is made in jest with no ill will implied, but the optics are a bit off. 

My jaw seriously dropped when I got to that part. Why the fuck would you think Simone Fucking Biles is at risk of drowning?? Presumably she CAN swim if she is investing in this pool, so suggesting she can’t is... not a good look.

you can have a mental illness AND be an asshole. They are not mutually exclusive.

I’m not sure how Britney Spears “escapes tabloid scrutiny” when it was shit like them publishing upskirt photos of her vag that helped fuel her breakdown in the first place. All of Kanye’s shit, we know because he puts it out there. He’s not being hounded by the press, he’s tweeting this shit from his bunker and then

Yup - increased drug and alcohol abuse tends to make a person more violent. At least that was my experience with my ex-husband. He had some scary episodes with his temper early on, but they were nothing like what happened after he started mixing copious amounts of booze and drugs.

I’m disappointed in both his exes for wading into Amber’s allegations. Ok, so he didn’t beat you 100 years ago. People change. Addiction and alcoholism get progressively worse. Dynamics can be different in different relationships. I would never assume another woman was lying about my ex.

The fact that the show and (I assume) the host treat being nice as being part of the show’s "brand," and not the right thing to do as a human being, is the problem here.

Thank you! I was just coming here to say this! Violence towards the environment and dating much younger partners are two HUGE red flags! That doesn’t mean anybody who’s ever slapped a table or dated a younger partner is an abuser, but just about everyone who’s been in a violent relationship can describe how it started

Also: a 26-year-old man dating a 17-year-old speaks to need for control.

This is what gets me too everytime someone says he was a perfect gentlemen who was never violent. This being the same man who had how many episodes in the 90s onwards of wanton destruction, drunkenness, and physical bustups with photographers.

I’m not refuting Winona’s statements about her own experiences, I believe her when she says he was never violent towards her. But he was also known for completely trashing hotel rooms, and that is violent behavior. I’ve had a boyfriend who never hit me but he was regularly violent in our environment during arguments.

They argued a lot about having more kids. She was at the point where she was ready and he wouldn’t reverse his vasectomy; he has two kids he was happy with, that wasn’t enough for her. And he’s still very involved with his ex-wife to the point where she would stay with them often for birthdays/holidays for the kids.