
I haven’t quite nailed exactly what it is that makes me not on the Pete bandwagon, but I think it’s this : He’s a young white guy who is just smart and charming enough, and has been on the fast track to success his whole life, so he just assumes he can skip past all the intermediary steps it is supposed to take to be

Well, she needs to sit down then.

I made this point in my last post, but I’ll say it here.....if Taylor Swift just suddenly decided, after years of being a“do nothing” as Jezebel would like us to believe, to up and “use” the LGBTQ+ you think so many icons would have participated in this video? Think about you really and truly

If a celeb does something like this publicly, people accuse them of just doing it to promote their brand (which may be true sometimes), but if they do things privately people say “well, this person never does anything”. I do think it’s good she’s coming out publicly. I’m glad she’s now feels confident enough to do that

I think it’s important to talk about the fact that she is wearing a wig with the colors of the bisexual flag, and she winks at the camera!

TSwift has a home not far from here, and for many years (as long as she’s been here, usually in the summer) she has been quietly doing all sorts of charitable things. I’ve mentioned this a lot, but she goes to the local Children’s hospital here unannounced all the time. She has visited after school programs for LGTBQ

Ok, well, burgers and fries go together.

Wait, has Jezebel just published a piece about Taylor Swift that doesn’t blame her for single-handedly losing the 2016 election to Donald Trump, supporting Donald Trump, “pretending” to be a feminist, or propogating the wealth gap? On re-reading this article, the tone is not witheringly negative!

Annnnnnnnd just like that, Jezebel is right back on the hating Taylor Swift train for no apparent reason. She is out there directing her fame and money towards pro LGBTQ causes and writing a catchy as hell song openly calling out homophobes and all you can do is criticize her? I know practically this whole staff can’t

They hated her for not speaking up or having a stance, but they seem to hate her even more for coming out with the right one.

Sunshine on the street at the parade

Thanks - I’ll have it on your desk by Monday. Working title:

It’s also okay to point out when that critique is disingenuous and poorly argued.

Of course it’s okay to critique a song... but maybe if you’re gonna do it try to have a better argument than

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that a “gossip columnist” would submit some of the worst music criticism I’ve ever read.

Counterargument: Taylor Swift is fucking cool?

honestly, it’s like yall are just out there desperately trying to find something to complain about. the song is a great step for her and it’s fun and catchy. so yes, you are a bad faith critic, whatever that means.

I tried reading the books and gave up halfway through the first one. It seemed like every fourth page had a threat of rape, rape attempt etc. It made me wonder what the author’s intent was. I tuned into the show for the period piece costume fantasy, but never watched it again after seeing that episode.

It seems to me that brutal rape is inherently insensitive. That’s kind of the point. 

That was my first thought as well.