Right? Like Pence who shed his Catholicism because apparently it just wasn’t rigid enough.
Right? Like Pence who shed his Catholicism because apparently it just wasn’t rigid enough.
Gawd, the Kennedy women are bad enough when they’re catholic but I didn’t know maria and her daughter had gone full fundievangelical. I see their awful taste in men remains unchanged though.
You had me until "Gabbard or Yang"...
How is that link evidence of policies? It’s just a completely random list of videos on his website. He doesn’t have any substantive policy proposals and the ones he does scream of Silicon Valley hubris and dumbassery like a midwest Elon Musk. His Supreme Court proposal is the dumbest fucking proposal of all time, and…
Mayor Pete especially does not have enough experience, has few solid policy proposals and seems like he doesn’t even have strong convictions beyond “let’s all be Americans and nice to each other.”
2019 Jez is Olympic-level phoning it in. Forget names- what even is this article? Why is it here? Why does this crop of writers think that ‘lol idk wevs’ is a viable approach to whatever subject they’re writing about?
If I believed that she’d ever come up with an original idea all on her own, I might think she earned that label, but as far as I can tell, all she’s done is pay lot of money to slap her name on derivative takes on someone else’s already mundane work. She’s the dollar-store knock-off brand banana-flavoured pudding of…
I think the problem is that the Trumps all assume they know better than everyone else simply because they’re Trumps, and so refuse to listen to even gently proffered advice, never mind asking for it.
Hmm- Michelle looks great. I can’t figure out why Melania doesn’t look good with the gloves. Is it my personal opinion of the two women clouding my judgement? Melania’s look too big and saggy? They don’t match the white shade of her dress?
I’m one of the few who doesn’t really want to give this evil administration a hard time over shit like family members going on trips — because it was preposterous and maddening every time Fox News flipped over the Obama family joining the president on any of his trips and I’m not a giant hypocrite like the scrotes on…
I think its fine to bring minor children like Sasha and Malia along for obvious reasons. Not all of your grifting adult children and their gold digging spouses.
Sure, she’s on mat leave, but that doesn’t mean she couldn’t participate. I’d bet if it were Obama, she’d have joined the family in their official obligations. She may even have brought the baby. It says a lot that as an American she isn’t making the effort, whether she recently had a baby or not.
How (not) surprising he’s divorced. Bet he places the blame for the breakup exclusively on his ex, too.
Cheers, that was very informative!
What surprises me is that the book was a rewriting of her Oxford doctoral dissertation, which means this fundamental error, which undercuts the premise of her book, made it past her thesis advisor and her viva/doctoral defense.
I read an article by a female scholar of the Qu’ran - and I wish I could remember more about her comments - but the one I DO remember is that the Qu’ran speaks about plentiful dates (the fruit) in heaven and NOT hosts of willing virgins which was a similar word but not the correct one. So all those guys blowing…
Thank you so much for this scintillating tidbit. I had no idea. It sounds like the basis for a great novel.
I think about the Vatican, who apparently have vast stores of documents/manuscripts which might shed light on the mis-translations in the Bible, for example (particularly those passages used to discriminate or oppress). Not that I’m a fan of any particular religion, but it is interesting to see how language shapes…