Omg if those were deep purple, I’d have a hard time saying no even though they are really not my style.
Omg if those were deep purple, I’d have a hard time saying no even though they are really not my style.
Now THIS is an example of gaudy platform ankle boot done properly. 100% would wear.
“Booties” are boots that stop at the ankle. And you just walk slowly, heel-toe.
Right? I think even Dany promised the Iron Islands independence, no? Dorne should’ve jumped into that too.
I wasn’t mad at the finale. Just disappointed and confused. They rushed through things so fast, it was like “wait. What?” A lot of things seemed odd. In a hyper masculine and militaristic culture that values physical strength, Bran, the teenage cripple, who talks in riddles and spends his days by a tree living in the…
I wish the plot had given her a chance to give Tyrion a second shot. He worked hard to make her happy, and she never made him feel less-than.
Can we take a minute to discuss Cersei being depicted as driven by maternal instincts first and foremost? She is far from mother of the year potential and I am tired of toxic parents being celebrated as profoundly maternal or paternal. I’m also so, so over D&D inability to provide a nuanced backstory for women that…
1. When Christ and His Saints Slept - Matilda to Henry II’s marriage with Eleanor and the start of his kingship
Whenever they make another Queen Elizabeth or Mary Queen of Scots movie I sigh and think how great a Matilda movie would be.
I love this so much, thank you. It reminds me of the Boudica profile that ran in The Toast (RIP) a couple years ago. More profiles of ancient powerful women, please!!
I can only imagine what being in a room with Empress Maude (Matilda) and Eleanor of Aquitaine was like...
I think Matilda is such a fantastic historical figure. I enjoy Sharon Kay Penman’s historical fiction series that goes from the battle for the crown (Matilda v Stephen) all the way thru Richard the Lionheart’s crusade. It is fascinating to me to read the history of Matilda, her children, and grandchildren.
Stephen’s wife (also named Matilda; I’ve seen them referred to as “Empress Maud/e” and “Queen Matilda” to avoid confusion. Stephen’s mother was also named Matilda.) was also pretty badass. I would pay good money for a show that features those two women as the main characters facing off against each other.
I love Matilda. I fell in love with her story in college and wrote a huge term paper on her. The story of her escaping on Christmas night 7 months pregnant in her nightgown in the snow is the stuff of movie magic. I don’t know why the only time she has appeared on film is in the Pillars of the Earth as a bit player.…
I think it was the year after the first Maleficent came out, that I went as the Disney version for out work costume contest. Bought the velvet and satin cape, the horns, the staff, even had a little raven with a finger band to wear. Painted my face green and purple (thank goodness the costume contest was at 9AM…
Me neither-she’s my favorite too because she’s a petty ass fairy who felt jilted and was gleeful about wrecking shit.
Yes but all of those characters came with origin stories from the jump.
I’m confused. If this is a sequel to a movie that restores her to a person defending herself and taking control of her fate against the really evil people, why is the movie called “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil?” Does she turn evil in this movie? Because the first movie clearly made her not evil.