
I have to give it to Emilia. She sold it. But yes, it was a letdown overall because the change was so contrived. As audience members, it should have been a clear “will she won’t she” moment, and it wasn’t. It was a “She will because that’s what GRRM said she would do and this is the best way they could think of to get

I HATE that they took a character who grew from an underestimated small player—moving pieces behind the scenes—to a ruthless leader and ended with her crying about her unborn child. The writers have always relied on her relationship to her children to humanize her and to develop her character, which is such a naive

truth. Her face moving wildly at the end of one episode was apparently supposed to tell us all we needed to know about how she was processing this 

This is correct. There’s some sore, sore lack of development to leap to “Dany as Cray Cray” but did we really expect that wheezing incel George RR Martin to REALLY be able to write a female character with depth and motivation? 

I think it could’ve been clearer but I’d still argue it’s all there in the episode and recent seasons. Let’s look at just the last two seasons.

I agree, that's my biggest complaint is that the character development has been rushed, but I think that the directions the characters have taken make total sense.

No one’s trying to prevent him from doing that job—but simultaneously defending a rapist and holding power to stonewall sexual assault investigations at a university is a gross conflict of interest. You may notice that he still holds his well-remunerated, prestigious professorial position, largely because there is no

The funny thing is, I thought she had beelined straight for the keep! We see her getting angrier, then a long shot of the red keep, then Drogon takes off, ostensibly in the direction of what is driving her.

The funny thing is, I thought she had beelined straight for the keep! We see her getting angrier, then a long shot of the red keep, then Drogon takes off, ostensibly in the direction of what is driving her.

What bothered me more is seeing Dany fall apart after the bells, and instead of beelining toward the Red Keep with some whoops, sorry about the fire, he got a little excited about things; she takes a long, long time to leisurely swoop around burning everyone she can see, including the areas of town where her own

That’s my problem with the ep, in a nutshell. I don’t hate where the characters ended up, but there’s a distinct lack of connective tissue to explain why.

Thing is, it was so telegraphed for so long, I was about as surprised as Varys about his death. I think I didn’t question the fact that she only killed him for it because a) she still needs Jon (and his Northerners) and b) she thinks she can use Tyrion the showrunners still have a plot point for Tyrion somewhere and

Also: the only reason Tyrion is where he is right now is because Varys saved him from the gallows and pointed him in the direction of Dany. And Tyrion is the snitch who got Varys roasted. So heartbreaking!

What kind of bothered me was that Dany chose to execute Varys but... NO ONE ELSE??? If she’s that concerned about The Secret then surely she’d remove every threat as soon as she could, especially the most high-profile ones like Jon and Tyrion, especially considering her new violent, “fear is the only way” mentality.

I’m crossing the aisle to Team “Fuck This Show”.

I really wish they had leaned into Cersei’s “mad queenship” too, though — she fully had planned on using wildfire (even though it looked pretty pitiful compared to when it burned the sept), and instead it felt like they tried to make her sympathetic at the end :-/

They didn’t execute it well, though. It was rushed and forced. She’s a POV character. She deserved better. 

It was plausible but way too rushed. Of all the things that could make her snap, surrender did it? 

Queen of the Ashes, huh? Was I the only New Yorker having 9/11 flashbacks?

In the attached article from the Crimson, it seems like this is a small part of why the students want him gone. Apparently many toes have been stamped on for a long period of time.