
I love to cook but I have also never eaten (or seen) a pot roast.

Also, honestly, fuck that 70s food. Whatever the decrease has been, I bet percentage wise it’s got nothing on the increase in Americans of all genders who can make kimchi stew or butterscotch budino.

About ten years ago, I saw a study that found that number of women who could bake a cake from scratch and do a proper pot roast plummeted since the 1970s. Although I wasn’t surveyed, I would still be proud to say FUCK NO to those questions.

I’m gonna be a huge spoilsport here. While yes, that is adorable? People need to stop trying to film themselves with wild animals FFS. Stop encouraging people to take close up pictures with wild or caged animals! Knock it off!

This show’s been on the air for multiple seasons?!

It looks like a show for people that were turned off by the gritty realism of Doctor Quinn, Medicine Woman.

Half of the reason to watch period dramas is because of the clothes. When they are that bad (and it’s not even like they are pretty).

Most of the town should be dressed like they’re on little house on the prairie and everyone should be dusty. It’s not like they would have running water and we never see the servants. .

a friend who shall remain nameless said it’s like the ONLY period drama she’s ever tapped out of and it was because she just couldn’t deal with the anachronistic hair

so incredibly true. Season 2 they looked like they walked out of a gap ad (especially the men). Now everyone is super sparkly and have super dyed blowouts and wear nice white dresses and coats, etc.

Much to my own chagrin, I watch When Calls the Heart. The first season was guilty pleasure, it is so bad now. And I know I know- hallmark is super cheesy Jesusy white-priviledgy. The makeup/hair dye/costumes are insanely stupid for the rural mining town. 

The show feels like they shot the Old West section of Disney or something. It is super vague about when it takes place, plays fast and loose with the period details so as not to have to adhere to worrying about anachronisms. I got this all from the Xmas movie they aired this past year.

Don’t forget a very, very teary interview on Good Morning America.

The first season everyone was dirty and starving and dressed like peasants.

Then they all went to Marshalls and bought coats and makeup.

I’m most confused by an actress with her eyebrows and highlights getting cast in an old-timey period Western. That screengrab looks like a family vacation photo at dude ranch. 

In a just world? She gets fired. Her daughter get kicked out of USC and loses her sponsors on IG.

This is possibly the most disturbing thing I’ve ever read. That clinical PSYCH faculty would feel like this, with their background, leaves me stunned at how much more severely those in non related fields must regard mental illness. 

I got my doctorate in clinical psychology, and the faculty in my PhD program basically saw those of us who were in therapy as being mentally ill - as though there was something wrong with us that we sought tx, rather than seeing it as a strength that we got support.

The “You should really think about whether this is right for you” is a go-to response for 80% of the professors I’ve ever dealt with or known people who dealt with. A lot of them treat any set back or show of difficulty as an opportunity to A) show they’re better than you and B) get you to quit so that they can get

Yeah, when I saw she was in her first year at a top MATH PhD program, I wondered about this...sounds like she was immensely talented, and it takes a very high achiever to accomplish what she did by the age of 23. PhD programs can really exacerbate existing mental health issues, especially in the first year, when

Hi, I’m the Julie who lives at that truly amazing place Ponden Hall. Your article, Kelly, is right in every particular, BUT I can brook no criticism of my most excellent Aga! Cooking times are highly predictable; temperatures are boringly uniform, and, rather scarily, I fear that without it my cake-baking superpowers