
Honestly, it’s the other way around. Can’t speak for other people of course, but it got a lot easier to maintain healthy habits once I very consciously stopped beating myself up about weight and focused on “oh hey my body can do this cool thing, that’s neat & I want to do more of it.” Eating for more variety instead

This right here. I’m not plus either, but this shit is insidious. I remember dropping about 12 pounds in a week due to severe depression and anxiety during my divorce. People fell all over themselves to tell me how wonderful I looked and to ask what my secret was. The secret was being so depressed that I couldn’t eat

My guess is the worry that someone on much needed meds might internalize some of the stigma against meds, read that post, and quit their meds in favor of exercise. And, although within my personal practice I have managed to avoid meds with various exercise habits, meds and exercise are many, many studies away from

And also you can spoil them and they can be assholes and they still will a never grow up to become a Republican. 

Pets are just better. They’re like babies but they never grow out of the cute stage. Even when your pet is being an asshole, it’s kind of adorable.

This is kind of heartening. I’m 33. I am with the person I want to spend the rest of my life with (we’ve been engaged for a good while, getting round to it slowly for reasons I’m about to get to). Great stuff.

For real. I live in the Midwest (not in an expensive area) and I take my youngest two to an in-home daycare (at her home where she watches other kids too), and I also send my 1st grader to after school care. I tallied it all up for my taxes and I spent around $18k on child care last year - this is on the least

Exactly. The friends in my life who have kids make it work by:

My work has on-site daycare and with my employee discount I could enroll my kid (if I had one) at a bargain price of $27k per year. I doubt I could afford to have more than one child and older people with their “it all works out” advice don’t have a clue what it costs to raise a kid in the 21st century.

If by “over-stimulated by technology,” they mean “much more aware of the horrifying realities of pregnancy, motherhood, and the future of the planet thanks to the power of the internet,” then yeah, pretty much.

I’m 32 and every time I go on Facebook it’s like, “Surprise! WE’RE PREGNANT!” or “Soandso has a sibling on the way!” Meanwhile I’m a single cat lady who has time to go to the gym, attain my goals as a figure skater, and make banana bread. 

Racists don’t make out with the race that they hate, especially in the way he does with his tongue—so deep down her throat. I don’t care how good of an actor you are. It’s all bullshit. Ignore it. He’s not a racist.

I’ve often seen people tell white women that they need to “come get” whichever problematic ww is acting up that day. Well, on this day, as a Latina, I feel the need to come get Michelle, because this is just all levels of fucked up.

I have so much trouble with all of the matching shit that no one will ever, EVER wear again. (And/or they’ll buy or be given other iterations of the same gear for other friends’ bachelorettes.) As if one expensive one-time-wear dress wasn’t bad enough, now there are entire bridesmaids’ wardrobes that need to be

I hate the bride-branding nonsense. When I had my wedding stuff, I told my friends in no uncertain terms that there would be none of that. I didn’t want a sash or any kind of weird extra attention on me because I knew that would just make me super uncomfortable.

The matching outfits really do me in. Grown-ass women wearing BRIDE tanks or hoodies and all their friends wearing SQUAD or MAIDS versions. Adult ladies wearing matching cutesy robes or shorty pajama sets. I get that often they are gifts which is a nice gesture but also it comes off as…infantilizing? I’m a wizened

No, he apologized for the impulse to kill, not the part that deals with race. 

Racism aside, because you covered that already, does anybody else find it super aggravating the way the men close to us need to internalize our assaults and make them all about themselves? How on earth could Liam Neeson murdering someone have helped his friend? It wouldn’t have, because it was about Liam Neeson not

Also: can we recognise he took his friends assault and made it about him? Ugh

Sometimes the courage it takes to admit you fucked up outweighs the actual fuck up.