Well done, Kelly.
Well done, Kelly.
I’ve always been a fan of the reading of Bluebeard with Beauty and the Beast. That combination really seems to provoke discussion about the fraught relationships between women and men in a patriarchal system.
I wasn’t brought up to fear the dead, or ghosts. I played in the cemetery one house away. My Grandfather’s protective spirit opened bedroom doors nightly at Grandma’s house, checking on us as we fell asleep and then the sound of heavy men’s dress shoes made their way to the next room.
Side note: What is UP with that? Seems like this year there’s a huge uptick in the not-supernatural shitty-people-usually-men-behaving-SUPER-badly stories.
Five year reader, first time poster! This is my one and only IRL ‘paranormal’ experience, probably because I’m a hard core skeptic.
My husband is English and it has become our family tradition to spend Christmas with his parents in the UK. My in-laws live in the most wonderfully quaint, Agatha Christie-eque little village: all thatched roof cottages and church greens and rolling fields. It’s also OLD in a way that’s almost incomprehensible to…
Our old house was built in the 1980's in a nice neighborhood and had’t had, to my knowledge, any deaths or tragedies. It’s a pretty generic suburban house, the upstairs bathroom is directly in front of the stairs with my youngest son and my daughters bedrooms off to the left and my middle son’s and the master bedroom…
I know, right. I really have no time for that shit this week.
Back in college, I spent a semester abroad studying in New Zealand. Over one weekend, some girlfriends and I decided to book an overnight horse trek with a company just outside the city on the south island where we all went to school. The company offered an hours-long ride to a small, secluded beach where we would…
Just about every year we go to Savannah for New Year’s Eve; it is gorgeous, steeped in history and legend, and rightfully dubbed America’s Most Haunted City. It is also a walking city, with lots of excellent ghost tours; Savannah at night is very spooky and atmospheric, you can palpably feel other presences . We’ve…
I live in Boston in a 1980’s build apartment building that seems totally normal – corporate even in its sterility. I lived in one unit of the building with my boyfriend for a year before downsizing to the unit next door (we had a 2BR and didn’t need the extra space).
In the early 2000s, I went with my then boyfriend to visit his parents on thanksgiving weekend. We were in our early 20s, had been together about a year, and his parents weren’t keen on me: they were well off and stuffy, and I was that “wrong side of the tracks who grew up in co-op housing in Toronto. After so long,…
I don’t think this is what Jezebel intended for the contest, as it’s not scary. I briefly told this story in the comments of one of the contest pages a few years ago. Frankly, I don’t think about it much, as although it’s not the supernatural element that got to me at the time, it was a frightening experience and…
My house is in a heavily forested area and relatively remote. It’s a place where people might take a camping trip into the forest for the weekend and then freshen up and have brunch in town on Sunday.
So this isn’t the scariest thing, but it just happened so I figured I’d share.
Oh man. The stories in the vein of r/letsnotmeet are absolutely chilling and not fun in the way ghost stories are.
This isn’t majorly scary, but it is completely true. When my sister and bro-in-law bought their house, there were a few creepy things about it. When they moved in we were surprised to find the tenants had left a bunch of ugly paintings hanging on the basement walls, only to discover they were hiding holes that looked…
When I was around ten years old, I had some friends at my house for a sleep-over. My parents were out for the evening, so we were in the care of my Noni, my Italian grandmother, who divided her time living with us and my two aunts. We decided to play with a Ouija board and scare ourselves. We huddled in my bedroom, tur…
When I was a in high school there was a consensus among my family that our house was haunted. Sometimes my eldest sister would be home alone and go into the basement to do laundry or get some item and would swear she could hear rapid footsteps coming from upstairs. But here’s my story.