I feel you.
I feel you.
NGL, I don’t really feel like a an actual “fan”, but I like her songs.
This seriously did not need to be the week to take a dump on Taylor Swift for doing something right.
Guys seriously, can we just for ONCE, give props to Taylor when she does something right? You don’t have to crown her Queen of Jezebel, but legit, this was a good thing she did. Today I’m thinking of all her LBGT fans who must be feeling real fucking awesome about their fave sticking up for them politically in this…
I swear. Taylor does what y’all beg her to do and then you still find a way to shit on her for it. Either you want her to speak up politically or you don’t. Pick one.
*reads comments*
Only as long as none of the entries are “hurt durr, TrUmP iS pReZ!!1", I agree. I need something less scary than real life to distract from the horrors of real life.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!
I'm with you. I support my friends doing it but personally I think we've been silenced enough and it's well past time to yell. It's not for me. It feels almost like a 4chan thing to get us to shut up. If it helps someone that's fine! Just not for me.
I have a feeling the reason that he is supporting Kavanaugh is because he wants to run for president in the future, and he has to make he’s got those “conservative” bonafides. I really can’t think of any other reason, especially because he’s retiring.
He’s retiring from office and has gone on record as being anti-trump. There was no reason to endorse Kavanaugh. None.
yep. when i see “wellness” my brain basically translates it to some type of disordered eating.
I’ve dealt with disordered eating long enough that there’s a lot of stuff that gets my back up. And I’m at a point where every time some person or group or company talks about “wellness”, it just ends up sounding like a scam to me. A scam designed to prey on women’s fears and insecurities.
i happen to think so. pushing women to lose weight is all still based on unrealistic beauty standards. it’s why women obsess over our looks, our bodies. it’s why we have eating disorders, and why we put our bodies through hell, and we take pills that we know are bad for us. it’s why we hear horrible comments from men…
Yeah, I was wondering about this - puberty for women is also around the time they (usually) start receiving harassment from their male peers and adult men. Surely this has a huge (negative) impact on them?
I wonder how much of this may also be attributable to this being roughly the age many women report first getting sexual comments and cat calls from/being sexually harassed by boys and men.
It also didn’t work out well when the descendants of the convicts started mixing with the 6% of indigenous people they hadn’t exterminated:
Drew came out OK, eventually. I’d be more concerned about her turning out like Lohan.
Millie Bobby Brown’s parents seem like total assholes, but still - where the hell are they? She reminds me of a young Drew Barrymore. Which is not good.