
So.. we gonna talk about grooming? Drake is a creepy motherfucker

No way would I let my 14 YEAR OLD daughter text with a 31 year old man about boys, about anything. I hope to Lord Jeebus her parents are in on those texts. But still. This wreaks of creepy grooming.

Yikes!  While it could be an instance of one former child star mentoring another child star, the rumors about Drake dating a barely out of high school model (and possibly since before she graduated) make me really uncomfortable with Drake having a close relationship with Millie.

Uh, Millie?

Sounds like Drake is grooming Brown. Seriously, why is a 30-something man texting someone her age? So fucking creepy.

Drake texts a 14 year old girl about boys, while also having a “friendship” with a 16 year old model who he may or may not be dating now at 18 years old.

Tiffany Haddish’s dress reminds me of the parachute we played with in elementary school gym class. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.

That stood out to me as well. Also the phrasing of “Mia was always pounding it into him what a loser I was,” sounds like the phrasing of someone who’s been brainwashed. He clearly has reinforced with her that Mia didn’t love her, Mia couldn’t see how intelligent she is, only he can do that. It’s creepy and disturbing

Their entire “love story” is a textbook case of grooming. If her claims of abuse by Mia are true, far from discrediting the idea that he groomed Soon-Yi, it would have made her a more likely target. Abusers will often pose as “saviors” to get troubled children to trust them. He’s scum.

I can relate to moms who sew and the puffy sleeves. From birth until my older sister was in middle school, my mom made each of us one dress per year to wear for nice occasions. They always were made of the same pattern and fabric in different colors and typically featured puffy sleeves and were trimmed in ribbon.

The puff sleeves made me remember this.

Ok, so I lived through this time, but I never went full goth. Yet, I need to find a reason to wear that lace choker. That choker is giving me life.

From the age of 14 to roughly 19/20, I had my goth phase. At the time a standard outfit would be black top, usually with a skull on, black skirt, and boots. Depending on the top, there would sometimes be a corset over the top as well. However the very worst outfit I have put put on my meatsack was black converse, pink

My mom was really into Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables, so she was thrilled when she had me, her daughter, and she could make me clothes. For most of my elementary school pictures I am dressed in a Little House style dress with puff sleeves. And I don’t even know how she found the patterns for

There is no time before POC arrived to Europe. We were always there, it’s just exceedingly rare that period pieces acknowledge that.

The perception that women are supposed to be their male partner’s therapist and emotional support, to the detriment of their own well-being, is pervasive. It’s why, more often than not, you see a lot of tv and film with the psychologist characters played by women - and they often deal with fairly trash men (or worse

Ah interesting! I’m surprised but I take back what I said. I don’t know how much involvement she had but if she co-wrote, that’s something. 

Is there really any expectation for pop stars to write their own music though? I mean some do, but that’s not especially common, and when we’re talking new artists, the songs are rarely ones that were written for that particular artist in mind. The songs that made Britney Spears a star definitely weren’t. .....Baby

True, I remember liking a few of her songs. But I also never felt very strongly that she actually wrote them. They could have been written for any of the other stars around that time. Hillary Duff or Mandy Moore could have sang those and it would have been just as good.

What bugged me about Ashlee then is that the story changed so much. First it was backing vocals and then it was that she had reflux and they even heavily edited her show when it aired to prove that she had reflux. She never once just owned the mistake. There were always excuses and it wasn’t her fault. I blame her dad