
The only thing Wagner would have done was whine about how the judging is bullshit and it’s all unfair. She has quite a track record of doing that.

I think I lasted about 4 seasons? Or 5? Once Emma turned evil and they went to an underworld that looked just like Storybook, I gave up on it. Still debating whether I should eventually catch up or not...

OMFG these are men 38-52?! WTF is their problem with being seen with/attached to a woman their own age or younger (but over 30)? That’s ALL SORTS OF FUCKED UP.

Oh my, bless you for drawing my attention to the fact that there’s full episodes. Oh nostalgia. The Real World was absolutely brilliant when it was about a diverse group of people learning to live with each other despite their differences.

Yes, it would be a whole lot better. And the fact that you, and others, question this fact when comparing an extremely qualified woman with Senate and Secretary of State experience who made the mistake of not punishing a sexual harasser severely enough to an extremely unqualified Russian puppet who has a long record

OMG, the black kitteh looks like mine! It sounds like it might be best to just put the stupid landlord situation behind you. Sadly, I think sometime lawsuits are such a pain in the ass that’s it’s essentially punishing yourself as much as who you’re suing (of course, this is totally context-dependent).

What is with the dudes in their 30s thinking women their own age are “too old” for them? I know there’s the whole “oh no, women in their 30s want babies” stereotype, or worse, when the men think they will eventually want to settle down and have kids “someday” but aren’t ready yet (and thus only want to date women that

I’d agree with the other commenters that you should call CPS, and with your mom and other sister, make arrangements to care for the kids for the time being so they won’t go into foster care.

Yay congrats!

The comments here were a total shitshow (which might be par for course?), but part of the problem was Jezebel’s articles on it were also pretty much a shitshow (especially the first one). I think they either don’t really want to be too negative about someone they like, or their just jealous because Babe is a

I’m so sorry for your loss.

I’d just be wary of how much detail you put in. With entries that have the university name and department, and details of specific things that happened or the ranks of people involved, that’s probably enough information to possibly ID either the individuals filling it out or who they are referring to.

It’s usually not that they are socially incapable or inept. It’s more that they’ve been socialized within academia to see what would normally be considered asshole behavior as a form of power display.

No, but clearly they have to be! This can’t just be a coincidence. And they’ve already dealt with Samuel Colt ages ago, we’re long due for the totally-obvious Winchester connection.

Two thoughts: 1) I would have preferred a more subtle psychological thriller that leaves it you unsure whether she’s being haunted by ghosts versus her own guilt and 2) Why has there not been a Supernatural episode where Sam and Dean visit this house and travel back in time to meet their ancestor Sarah?

I made some delicious smoked salmon/cream cheese/caper pastries recently and highly recommend. I could go for trying it with some ginger/seaweed/soy sauce additions (maybe mixing in some japanese rice seasoning and soy sauce into the plain cream cheese?). But that would still be a pastry, not sushi.

Why is this response being celebrated? On one hand... I completely understand the sentiment, but on the other hand... this is another expression of patriarchy/toxic masculinity that serves as an implicit pressure to victims to keep silent. Hopefully it’s just verbiage... but the risk of a father or brother or partner

You 100% voiced my thoughts on the matter.

The trick to ordering Indian food is to order enough for lots of leftovers.

Counterpoint: I’m an Indian-American kid who grew up eating mac and cheese and Indian food. I still think mac and cheese is one of the most delicious foods, and one of the my go-to comfort foods.