
A few years ago, GT did have some cliquey-ness that did erupt in drama periodically. However, it still was welcoming to outsiders, and I’ve enjoyed it and found lots of great, friendly discussion despite not being part of any clique. I think a lot of the cliquey-ness has dissipated now, as cliques migrated elsewhere,

No, I’m pretty sure she’s far more empathetic than the sociopath-in-chief.

If you’re undecided on kids, how set are you on having kids that are your own genetic material? I ask because I think its probably only going to be worth freezing eggs/embryos unless you are REALLY sure you want kids and/or would ONLY want kids if they are you’re genetic material, or if you have enough money that the

I’m in a similar boat, though single (and, sadly, most of the few close friends I’ve made over the past here just moved away, leaving me again with one close friend in town—who is an introvert who tends to only want to hang out in limited amounts).

I’d still recommend it, especially the first season. The faith stuff is pretty mild, and no more than you would expect for a period piece set in a small town where everyone is Christian--from watching the movie, and the first season, I had no idea until I looked for the books that the writer was specifically a

I think you’re combining “Horse of a different color” and “Birds of a feather”

Watch the Last Kingdom on Netflix. It centers around a fictional Saxon character raised by Vikings, but it’s about this time period and these battles and Alfred is an important character.

The miniseries wasn’t great (but still parts were enjoyable). I think instead of trying to do a faithful Mists of Avalon, doing a simplified adaptation of it would be great.

Sword and the Stone is fantastic., but I also liked First Knight.

Part of it is a culture based on individualism and (perceived) self-reliance, part of it is a screwed up remnant of Puritan predestination that remains dominant in many American Protestant denominations. There’s this underlying idea that if you are healthy, prosperous, etc, that is an external indicator that you are

Oh lordy. I did, and it read like it should be an Onion article.

So I spared myself from reading the article... but dude is ENGAGED and he’s talking about how she’s “less hot” than the women he used to date??? I hope she dumps his not-hot ass.

Yes, there’s enough reports of emotional, verbal, and physical abuse by the doesn’t surprise me at all this was happening too. Yet US gymnastics still sends gymnasts to that abusive environment, because winning gold medals trumps child safety!

Is he the one who went to the women’s march?

Yes, just call and say my name is LaLadyDa and I’m a constituent, and that you are calling to ask them to oppose bill X/vote yes on bill X because Y reason. With a lot of call campaigns, you can find some scripts or talking points. I usually shorten the scripts and keep it short—I oppose this for this particular

Just like Tywin Lannister! Only Lannisters actually paid their debts...

I don’t think he would resign, because he would consider it an active of submission—ie, something that only “losers” do.

While I mostly agree I’ve read suggestions that people intentionally watch something else (perhaps any popular show that’s on that night) to intentionally mess with the ratings. Because tv ratings are one of the few things he cares about, it’ll be an extra insult if something else draws in higher ratings.

Oh the irony. Bump a fictional show about Washington scandals, for a puff-piece on the person/family at the center of biggest scandal to enter the White House.