
This is the BEST sports bra I've ever had!

This is the BEST sports bra I've ever had!

In the cases I've read about where a child died from eating a vegan diet, there seemed to be other factors involved BESIDES the vegan diet—such as just not feeding the child enough, weaning and replacing milk with just water, or not taking the kid to the doctor when he/she was sick. However, those stories were

Unlike cats, we're not obligate carnivores! It's fine if the parents are planning the diet carefully and making sure the kid is getting in enough protein and necessary vitamins. I have a friend who is raising one of her children vegan (the whole family is vegetarian, but the youngest is allergic to eggs and dairy) and

I would say ignore the comments. I know plenty of people that have had kids in their late 30s (common with academics) and for the most part, both their pregnancies and their kids have been fine. Honestly, I found this article to be encouraging (hey, you can have kids at an older age—while this may not be biologically

Wow, I can relate to so much of that. I had a similar experience.

I found the full video on youtube a while's been a while, so it might have been taken down, but it's worth checking!

I was attacked a few years after taking it, and I think the most important thing was that I'd learned what to do in the situation—and that's why after the initial panic I was able to think quickly about what to do and fight back. Part of the issue is when you're attacked, in panic you freeze—learning to move past

It really depends on the dog's personality/athletic inclinations. I had a dog that loved to run, but he had the right body type for it, and it was great because he'd get into it and stopped caring about sniffing/pulling everywhere. When I tried to get him to take walk breaks (because I needed it) he start trying to

I agree they should get at least an occasional walk, but it does depends on the dog, the human, and their yard. My (small-medium) family dog would only get sporadic walks, because we had a large fenced in yard. He could go out to do his business, and spend time running around and playing in the grass/snow to his

It can go either way. When I'm mildly/moderately depressed, I tend to to pig out on the comfort foods. But when I'm severely depressed, I usually stop eating (and in some cases, am perpetually nauseous).

In my experience, it's not that living together that was the bad experience. It was the horrible experience of breaking up when your lives and homes are completely enmeshed.

Yes, I feel the same way your friend does. It's not because living together didn't work out—it's because breaking up after you've lived together/are financially enmeshed/share a lot of your belongings/pets is incredibly messy, and adds a whole new level of difficulty to a break-up. It's like a divorce, only you don't

Not at all. I've been struggling with this a little bit because I'm surrounded by people on some sort of dieting/clean eating/cleansing/'healthy' eating kick... I've started hiding facebook posts of acquaintances posting stuff, and with a close friend whose dieting, I pretty much told her I'm glad she's happy about

That's particularly funny to me, because I've been making an increased effort to eat dairy products due to some recent studies suggesting that eating full-fat dairy is protective against developing diabetes...

I am in 100% agreement of the NOPE on outside. One of mine is terrified of the outdoors, but the other one is a former stray who is a bit of an escape artist. I know she forays outdoors, but there's just too much risk. I have a friend who insisted that letting them outdoors was great, because they were healthier and

Umm Burt...have you ever had a cat? Cause most of that is pretty typical "cat crazy" behavior (ie, in my household, around 11 pm-1 am, or as soon as I've turned out the lights and tried to go to bed). This kitty looks like a more agile climber than mine, but otherwise...looks totally normal to me!

Definitely worth a trip to the vet if she's still sneezy by Monday, but it's probably not anything to panic about. Typically when kitties have colds, they will also have runny eyes and/or noses (kitties with bad colds become major snot monsters—it's impossible to miss). Allergies or irritants in the air (such as

A friend of mine, who is a doctor, loves this show and told me what they do on the show is exactly what people should be doing at home to lose weight.

It looks almost like they used flattering lighting/re-touched this picture, but decided to intentionally use unflattering light/leave the other photo un-retouched.

Nothing wrong with dying holding hands with your cat! Actually, might not be a bad way to go! I agree it's this weird situation in which the social pressure really sucks. A few years ago I was so set on getting married and having kids, and in some ways I feel like such a failure (and there's definitely social