
If COTD still existed, I'd nominate you for it! Can I like that comment a few extra times?

Even if she comes to that understanding, that end may not justify the means for her—and I think their approach almost guarantees that she will not trust doctors or accept medical advice in the future (thus precluding her chances of recognizing that the treatment was life-saving).

I have serious doubts that she will be "thankful" for this intervention later in life. Given her mother's beliefs, it would make sense to appoint an advocate for her and try to build rapport and explain the consequences of both chemotherapy and refusal of the treatment. However, she's essentially been imprisoned,

Yep...I have a friend that keeps insisting that she "worked her way" through college because she had part-time jobs.

Yep...I have a friend that keeps insisting that she "worked her way" through college because she had part-time jobs.

Yeah, I think it's officially too late now :(

Perhaps it refers to when its engorged?

When I was a kid, I didn't do many stupid things. No broken bones, no stitches. I was a girly-girl that loved pink and frilly dresses. The most risky things I did was climb trees and befriend stray cats.

What you have failed to do is read the press release. Two instructors, one male, one female, each taught a section. In one section, they identified themselves as their own gender. In another section, they identified themselves as the opposite gender. Thus, each served as their own control, as the only thing different

They used only two instructors (one male, one female). So each instructor was essentially serving as his/her own control.

I'm going to second the Target recommendation for jackets and pants—they're affordable, and so far they've worked really well for me. However, I wouldn't try their sports bra if you're well-endowed—I'm a DD, and I can only wear the Target sports bras if I layer the simple compression bras over a more structured one

With no quarantine, or even any advice to avoid travel or public places, why should she have thought that she had to avoid air travel? It doesn't matter what she's traveling for—if they didn't tell her to restrict travel, she didn't have compelling reason to cancel travel plans. The fact that she traveled for wedding

Why do you think a nurse would know better than the CDC? I don't understand why everyone is blaming her because they think that as a nurse, "she should have known better." As a nurse, she has a better understanding of risks of disease transmission than most people. But its ridiculous to expect her to know better than

He didn't lie to the hospital. He told them that he just returned to Liberia, but somehow they didn't get that information to the doctor. The alleged lie is that he didn't tell the airport authorities in Liberia he had contact with an Ebola victim (although I've read there is some debate over whether he lied, or

I recommend Panache! I just ordered one, and I love it—it's a bit restricting, but it makes if possible to run in only one sports bra! We've had a discussion about this on Groupthink, and generally the three that are recommended the most are Panache, Enell, and Shock Absorber.

Raisenettes, whoppers, twizzlers, reese's pieces, and swedish fish are all delicious. Especially reese's pieces. And runts are gross.

Hmm... I suspect we all identify with Anne as we read and thus project our own feelings onto the relationships in the books? One of the things I've loved most about the books is that it does emphasize close female friendships. I always thought that her imaginary friends, and then her enthusiasm and quick attachment to

I had a friend like that who would ALWAYS bring her boyfriend to girl's night. And then he would whine about how he didn't want to watch a chick flick, and just generally be rude. We tried to talk to her about not bringing him to specific "girls night" events, and she got really offended.

Fashion bindis (the stick-on, sparkly kind) are warn by Indian women of other religions (not all Indians are Hindu! There are Muslims, Sikhs, Jains, Catholics, Buddhists, Jews) and its not seen as appropriation. It's seen as following fashion. There's a reason they are called "fashion bindis."