
Why has no one posted this yet?

Unfortunately, I think that's something that takes a while to learn, and when girls are developing, its hard to know what will work on them when their bodies are changing. And there is a problem with our code for "professional" or "respectable" essential equals "no curves" or "hide curves." It's still part of a

Posey and Elliot are not native Chicagoans—both moved to Chicago after culinary school.

I suspect that none of these four chefs are from Chicago. For god's sake, why does this keep coming up? It is called "Deep-dish pizza," "Chicago pizza," or "Chicago deep-dish pizza" to distinguish it from "Thin-crust pizza," "NY-Style pizza," and other forms of pizza. THEY ARE ALL FORMS OF PIZZA. This is actually a

So true... I feel like the title should be corrected to "Grown Women Shouldn't Worship Celebrities."

Hmmm, it's interesting that you bring up studies about assortative mating, given that data from MHC studies indicate a preference for non-assortative mating—ie, that you prefer potential partners that are genetically dissimilar (at least with regards to MHCs). However, this relates to chemical cues, whereas

How do you think they should be more inclusive? Demand in pre-school that their parents take them do a different school/move so that they are exposed to a greater diversity of classmates so that it won't potentially affect future dating choices? And are we demanding that all white people be more inclusive, and date

Although I agree that there is that history that underlies a lot of factors affecting what inter-racial pairings are considered more or less acceptable, I don't think its fair assume that either 1) these women are preferentially choosing white men due to their social privilege, or that 2) they believe that white dudes

I think these are really good points. I didn't grow up in a situation where I was the "only one" but I do feel I ended up socializing very early with a lot of people that weren't of my ethnic background. Most of the guys I've dated have been white, and its not part of some internalized self-hate or disdain for my own

Japanese macaques can be pretty aggressive (probably in the same ballpark as baboons, maybe slightly less?), and all monkeys tend to become aggressive around adolescence. Even as an infant, he can potential bite humans, and that bit could be lethal if he transfers Herpes B. He's better of with the sanctuary macaques,

Yes, that is a traumatizing experience (as was originally be taken from this mother), but overall its the best decision for his emotional well-being. As an infant/juvenile, he has a better chance of being successfully socialized with his own species, and having social bonds he can maintain for the rest of his life. If

There are many valid reasons both for the health of the monkey as well as the safety of humans. Pet monkeys are usually taken from their mothers from a few days old, and are often unable to integrate successfully with other monkeys if they are not properly socialized at a young age. The sooner that he can be in a

maybe I would feel bad from him...but they're trying to give him sympathetic press to distract from his shitty custody battle. And he does not deserve any sympathetic press. His brother's death was a tragic accident. His custody battle was not.

My ex's friend also hooked up with her... I don't think his now-wife ever heard that story though...

Something like this, painted blue. Or I I could go for the haunted one that's been marked down...

Mine too! I was afraid to look at it for that reason, but turns out, the only reminder was a picture of me with his niece. That made me sad, but quite surprising... nearly all of my pics for several years were the two of us.

It is is amusing if you play a drinking game with it...otherwise, not so much.

I think part of it was the diversity choice, but I do think he was a bit of a fan favorite. He's was definitely my favorite last seen, and my friends and I thought he was the best choice. BUT, he got VERY little air time compared to other contestants chose to be the Bachelor, and was booted off mid-season (usually

his DNA was all over the crime scene, including inside the victim. He also had a history of break-ins in the area, and left Italy immediately after. He confessed, and took a plea deal. There is clear evidence that he is a rapist and murderer...he quickly plead guilty and accepted a deal (for less time, in exchange for

As people as written below, there is ample evidence that Rudy Guede raped and murdered Meredith Kercher (including DNA all over the crime scene and inside the victim, a history of break-ins, and immediately left Italy after Kercher was killed). Unfortunately, he managed to take a plea deal that gave him a lighter