
I never watched Flavor of Love. But I do agree that it's sad. It's usually cast/manipulated/edited for drama, but from the past two episodes this season (and really other seasons, now that I think about it) it seems like they are intentionally casting some women based on depression/recent break-ups/emotional

Hey no fair! Some of us relied on watching this show (and our corresponding drinking game) to distract our minds from the tortures of grad school.

English is his second language and he clearly still struggle with it. I have issues with the homophobia, but don't think it's fair to judge him based on his grammar and syntax.

It's his second language. And I could see making mistakes with some words and saying something that comes out completely wrong because you don't understand the usage of the word and it's connotation (I've definitely had that experience speaking in Spanish—accidentally saying I was horny when I thought I was saying the

Not the house pictured here, but the slightly haunted red Victorian, YES! If only I lived in that area...

I made of the mistake or reading that book when I was 9-10 (because my older sis checked it out from the library). I couldn't sleep without the light on for months, and tried to erase all memory of it from my brain. And then a few years later I read in a friend's book that it was a major hoax.

That's not a ghost, it's the one-footed dryer sock monster!

I have no stories (other than "weird sounds" that I eventually realized were mice and "weird green thing" in the kitchen that I realized was just an afterimage when the lights were turned off), but I do have an interesting story about a sorta-ouija board. My friends had an "angel's talk" board (the less creepy, more

I feel the same way about mirrors, because I was rather terrified by bloody mary stories/candyman. But I now just remind myself to avoid looking into mirrors in the dark, because in the dark your vision distorts the sight of your own reflection (just as I've mistakenly a large black purse for my black cat in the dark).

I'd love to buy that house if I lived in the area! It's a Victorian house with a turret, porch, and secret-door-bootshelf! Of course, all of that sounds like the trappings of a good ghost story. I'm easily creeped out, but I would be willing to buy it despite the "slightly haunted" stories... I probably would smudge