No record, no mugshot, no criminal past, legally permitted weapon, complete cooperation, all on video.
No record, no mugshot, no criminal past, legally permitted weapon, complete cooperation, all on video.
Look, I’m not saying that simple assault is acceptable, or that Jeremy didn’t cause Brexit. All I am saying is that repeated exposure in a work setting - multiple cases of sexual misconduct and sexual assault - is a Bad Thing. Such a Bad Thing that it makes the other Bad Thing seem less exceptional and more a…
Occam's Razor.
Why are people who make a career out of something most people desperately try to avoid, physical combat, so aggressive?
Repeated blows to the head. Substance abuse. Abusive relationships. Emotional issues. et cetera.
How is this surprising? She has a British identical twin!!!
I have to be honest, some of the amounts donated by the NRA are SHOCKINGLY low in terms of buying policy. Over the weekend, was tweeting the amounts each Republican “thoughts and prayers” congressperson received from the NRA and some of them were like a couple thousand dollars.
When are we going to pass a federal anti-corruption act and get lobbyists’ money out of politics?
Absolutely - even if something like this is what makes you start, start now, and schedule a follow up appointment.
Good god, this. This forever.
Another thing you can do?
That’s exactly what youre doing.
I hope she uses her writing skills to keep speaking out against him and rape culture. Her voice is compelling, and even if this judge couldn’t bother to listen, others will.
This girl is a BEAUTIFUL writer and it’s a real fucking shame that this is the way we have to find out about her gift.
She is so courageous it's heartwrenching.
Yeah seems like Thailand is the go to place for racist white scumbags to live out their disgusting colonial fantasies.
Leicester City has announced that the Pearson, Hopper, and Smith are to be suspended indefinitely, starting immediately. Team officials cited their own internal standards of professional conduct, which requires that all players film potentially embarrassing videos in landscape.
It is what their sex really sounds like.
All that stupid chatter (“LICK IT NOOOOW” “SPIT ON THAT”) sounds almost staged, like they wanted to be caught doing the naughty. Or maybe that’s just what sheltered 20-somethings who watch bad porn think sex really sounds like.