The school, the school board, the ACLU.
The school, the school board, the ACLU.
Who the hell eats Cream of Wheat?
Because they aren’t glorious. How is that even a question? They’re an abomination. Put sugar on Cream of Wheat and stop wasting food. Jesus did not die on the cross for y’all to be out here putting sugar on grits.
You see on the one hand, the new version of the policy seems like a hugely cynical attempt to stifle legitimate, peaceful protest and retain the status quo for disgusting rich white men, but on the other hand, the old version of the policy spelled “ensure” wrong. Feels like there’s blame on both sides here.
Whoa whoa. You’re telling me that white people in charge of young black men and also profit massively from these black men’s talents would change the rules and not say anything? And then use the revised rule as a way of punishing said black men for going against the wishes of their white employers? In America?
Trump has done many shitty things, but getting me to agree with Roger Goodell on something is far and away the very worst thing Trump has ever done.
My toddlers are really into dinosaurs, so they watch a lot of the Land Before Time movies.
There are good people on both sides of the hammer.
He’s not an employee. He’s the elected officer of a county political party (which is not a public office). His removal is governed by the bylaws of the Broward County GOP, not Florida employment law.
Not to be cliché, but are we the same person?? I don’t think liberals are going to win any more elections with this “holier than thou” stance and I’m black and very liberal. Nitpicking every single fucking comment from every corner does not engender solidarity. Many conservatives don’t like Trump but you better…
Real talk. I didn’t take offense to the Maher comment and I’m black. It was in poor taste. But I didn’t think he needed to lose his show to be taught a lesson. That’s like slapping a kid across the face for using a bad word. Also, I appreciated him bringing on Dr. Michael Eric Dyson and Ice Cub to really dig into his…
Nice try, but Trump is still President.
In 2020, new students in a GroupMe chat shared racist jokes and mocked feminists.
Do go on. *chinhand*
The only thing I’ve seen Moss in is The Handmaid’s Tale, and more obliquely, divorcing Fred Armisen. While I appreciate both of those worthy projects, her performance in the former is spotty for me and her being a Scientologist irl is both very ironic and also disturbing because, hey, violent cults and whatnot.
(Spoiler alert) Yes exactly. I found the romantic plot between Dev and Francesca the weakest link of the show, which was a bummer, given how pivotal it became. She just never felt real - like a male fantasy, a compendium of Italian film characters of the 1970s with impossible beauty, expensive fashion and no real life…
I agree with this. I like Dev as a character but his pursuit of Francesca is a fantasy where he just gets what he wants with no consideration of where the relationship will go or what expectations she has of him. She’s giving up a fucking lot — her whole life! — to fulfill his fantasy of the perfect woman and he’s…
I agree - I did not want them to end up together. It really felt to me that a lot of their “magic” came from her confusion about her engagement and the high of being in a new place and on vacation. I’m hoping in the next season that reality will hit and this relationship will come crumbling down. Also, I was…