This is just absurd.
I feel this in my soul. We refer to our neighbor as leaf blower man. I am convinced that leaf blowers are completely useless, a tool designed to burn fossil fuels and get men out of doing any meaningful second shift work.
I personally think of this one
I can’t hear “sexy baby” without thinking of the 30 rock character:
I travel at least three weeks out of the month or work. I have seen things that make me hate people. (That coupled with people actually voted for Trump, make it difficult to leave my house if I don’t have too)
he’s not even that great a writer, so they were all going out of their way to publish and shield and reward him just because.
That had nothing to do with Paris: have you never seen nude women in non-French art? The Odalisque was a common artistic theme in the 19th century, just as “searching for fleas” appears in Renaissance art: you know, the 15th century equivalent of buying Playboy for the articles.
This part really stood out to me:
“‘There’s a dweeby beta-male quotient at the Post. They’re not openly macho,’ a female staffer said. There’s an understated respectability that is secretly pernicious and sexist operating in that place.’”
I watched the Super Bowl in a crowded bar once. Except it was a gay bar. And it was the Super Bowl in which Madonna performed the halftime show. No one paid attention to the football at all but when Madonna came on, everyone got deadly quiet and watched like it was church. 90% of attendees left after the halftime…
As a white person, I can never understand how important seeing yourself represented in smart shows like “Living Single“ was, but I’ve often thought about how weird it is that there was a period in the mid 90s where there were quite a few shows with all black or mostly black casts, and then 2000 hit and that shit just…
I still get angry when this comes up, especially in the same conversation as Friends. I cannot overstate how important and amazing Living Single was to woc like me everywhere when it came out, and it just got better and funnier and edgier. All the episodes are on Hulu, ladies! It’s worth the monthly fee alone (of…
I’ve also had energy pulled out of my butt but that’s because the vibrate setting on the plug was set too high and it made sitting a chore.
I’m reading The Count of Monte Cristo. It is fabulous.
Well, my rotten family managed to “forget” my birthday (happening since I was a little girl and birthdays really mattered) and later, ruined it with a smear campaign and some solid gaslighting. My mother somehow is the victim in all of this drama that she deliberately caused. Nice. A veritable hat trick of callously…
Months ago, my husband lost his car keys, and when he had a locksmith come out and rekey the car, he decided to only rekey the steering column, since he can just use his fob to unlock the door and the locksmith wanted another $100 to do the door. A week ago the fob stopped working, and replacing the battery in the fob …
Not only did I watch it all, but did so while eating chili and corn chips.
Hubby and I love the sequel too, and so I must make mention of my favorite line: “But I don’t blame them, because one time I turned into a dog and they helped me.”
Rachael Leigh Cook [swoon]!