Exactly why I have my paperwork in order, and I've been known to caution my friends to do the same (not, like, in a weird way... like if it comes up).
Exactly why I have my paperwork in order, and I've been known to caution my friends to do the same (not, like, in a weird way... like if it comes up).
A very good point, and yet more support for my first post - it's really important to have clear directives for such situations. Not only do I trust that my family understands what I would want, but I do have a will for clarification and legal purposes.
Frankly, that's what I would want. If my child has a chance at life, I would gladly give my own life. My kids are fortunate to have a loving family and I trust that they would be cared for well if I were gone. But that's a personal decision that I wouldn't dream of imposing on other people.
I have a living will. I'm actually surprised to learn that - I thought that if you were married, it was safe to assume that your spouse could make decisions on your behalf. Thanks for chiming in!! #themoreyouknow
Don't next of kin become responsible for medical decisions when a person is unable to make their wishes clear?
Everyone knows that the secret to a long, happy marriage is a DEADLINE.
Situations like this are exactly why I've made it clear to my loved ones what my choice would be. As much as people don't want to think about "worst case scenarios," it's good to at least make people aware of your feelings and beliefs.
Yup. Exactly. I don't think it's a recommended way to conceive if you're trying for a baby... but it can happen. And, unless my family is full of lying liars that lie, it happened to someone I know!
I was paranoid about getting pregnant without actually having sex because of health class. They also told us that it if any seminal fluids at all get anywhere near your lady parts, you CAN get knocked up - which means you will, right?
That's awesome! I've seen them for sale as low as $25-30, but somehow I just never seem to go for it. One of these days, it'll happen, and I can introduce my kids to the wonder of the Sega Genesis. The games are just so much fun. I remember having the Animaniacs one, Lion King, and a Mickey Mouse one... and I remember…
I didn't poop. While i was in labor and at home, I felt like I had to go a few times and I did. I think my GI tract cleared itself out cause the only thing that came out during labor was baby + assorted fluids + placenta.
She must be lying 'cause that's really very unlikely. Way more likely that she's making it up.
Suuure, because vague Internet comment is clever. My bad.
I'm 26.
OMG I know I read this when it was originally posted but I've been inappropriately snort-laughing my way through this recap at work and thank God it's Christmas and nobody cares or I'd have some explaining to do...
OMG, exactly. That just happened this past year, and it was really very ugly :( It's just hard, sometimes, to wrap your head around the fact that your mother is not a mother. Now that I am a mom, it's both harder and easier. Harder because I can't imagine my kids feeling the way about me that I feel about mine... and…
Hey, if you want to email the old bastard and accuse them of being incompetent 20-50 years ago, be my guest... well, no, not really, not gonna hand out a family's member's info online. But the sentiment stands.
Doctor's been retired for as long as I can remember, and will probably die soon. Not too worried about it, now. I've heard other stories about doctor that are just... ugh. Nothin' like the holidays for checking out family closet skeletons, right?
Haha, right? Fortunately, I did my time in retail and food service. I'm pretty hard to offend :P I can get a little snarky with people, though.