Not my dad :) But good guess!
Not my dad :) But good guess!
Doctor is a dickhead with absolutely no shame. Also, doctor was retired at that point, and drunk, and everyone involved is related so it's not like anyone's gonna sue over it. I totally don't think it was appropriate (for so, so many reasons)... when doctor has too much to drink at family functions... nothing good can…
No worries, totally not offended :) It's definitely a valid question... but now you know why I wasn't about to ask! LOL
Sweet Jesus, you don't believe an internet stranger's family story!
Sibling recently told me that I "deserved" it. I was shocked and I was like, "you were there... you saw what happened..." and sibling flatly denies. *shrug* sibling isn't a very nice person, so it's a good riddance for me.
Frankly, we were being told about this at the dinner table by the doctor when I was like 16 and I really didn't want to know and nobody had the balls to ask. Considering it's a very small town, I can only guess that he'd seen her before and might have been familiar enough with her situation to notice any changes.…
Goddammit, if you're a mom and you can't figure out how to drink (or not drink - yay choices!) responsibly while breastfeeding... just goddammit.
Non-traditional families are pretty much the norm... and yet the family court system still systematically screws poorer parents over. Y'know what's fun? Committing perjury for years and never, ever even getting a slap on the wrist for it! Yay!
I'm just here to say that I have a family member whose conception occurred despite the mom being a virgin. I guess Mom was too Catholic to "go all the way," but fooled around exuberantly with Dad... and conceived Not-Jesus-Family-Member. I'd bet my left foot that they consummated the relationship before the birth -…
I think you're right. Her behavior is just fascinating. Terrible, but really very interesting... and the thing that sucks for me is that I feel like it's so unbelievable sometimes that there's no point in even talking about it - and I kind of need to, sometimes, so that I can cope (can't afford therapy any longer).
If the first year is hardest, then I can put my feet up!
I absolutely intend to boycott this film and everything related to the joke that is EL James. I can't even begin to express my disgust.
I wonder how many of the examiners got kicked in the face at the surprise part of the exam...
Thank you - I agree with you.
Ugh. So one night, while I was pregnant (around 6-7 months), I was up late watching TV and caught an episode of Private Practice. I know, bad idea.
I really can't do details... but she had darn near everyone fooled. Faked a medical condition for years and a friend's mom (who was a pharmacist) warned me that something wasn't right. Turned out she was correct, and we all found out years later when the truth about almost everything came out. She's an extraordinarily…
Oh, man, you'd love to hear about my mother. I really can't talk about that, though. Basically textbook awfulness, topped with a faux persona that everyone believes is real.
That's really sweet of you, thank you! I don't usually vent about it because I feel like people don't want to hear it, it's not really anyone's business, and there's nothing anyone can really do about the situation. I feel like letting people know that I'm hurt gives poisonous types a win on me, even if they have no…
I know so many people that should probably just do this instead of having the wedding they think they want. Or people that had weddings that would have been better off doing something like this, instead.
I started typing and realized that pretty much everything I would say would totally give away my identity.