
Because it’s a trial not a conviction (the due process bit of the Constitution). If she can prove she’s mentally ill to the point she’s not culpable, then she won’t be sent to jail but will be cared for.

Under juvenile law they’re pretty much free and clear in 3 years, with little or no accountability or after care.

That’s really the key here: are the parents making an effort?

I live in Maine and have actually been to this diner. I think the important thing to know about Marcy’s is that it really is a hole-in-the-wall. There are maybe 5 tables and one counter that might seat a dozen. It is tiny and cramped and hot (because the griddle is 3 feet from the counter), but the food is delicious

A relationship borne out of infidelity has pretty high odds of not lasting. Why? If they are willing to cheat with you, they are willing to cheat on you.

Ew. Why would you want to do this? Isn’t the keepsake the baby? Your memories? Why do you need to turn your breastmilk into a pendent?

I’m sure they’re all moral high ground when it comes to accepting government funding for their services...

Sweet Monkey Jesus.

Poor kids don’t save money in jars, dollars or cents, they have to give it to their parents to buy stuff the whole family needs.

The fact you’ve taken precautions and training make you a perfect candidate for safe gun ownership. You aren’t carrying it around because a homeless person might ask you for change.

I’ll let the Army know to take away every soldier’s weapon in Afghanistan. We don’t get two hours a day of practice with them before we deploy, after all.

I am a gun owner and will continue to be so once I have children. I do not, however, intend to carry one on me or let them have access to the safe. We have goats and live in a heavily wooded area with coyotes. The rifle and shotgun are for predators of varying sizes, not humans. Actually carrying one simultaneous with

I agree with her that as long as people are able to carry, they will, and it’s best if you can teach them to do it as safely as possible. That shopping cart shooting of the mom by the toddler was a goddamn tragedy. And yes, people can and will argue that no one should have guns at all but right now they do. So if


brogurt, while awful, sounds less jizzy than dude yogurt

Equally horrified that guests at a CHRISTENING were poking at the “vagina” on the cake meant for public consumption at .... A CHRISTENING.

Pretty horrified that any adult woman raising a baby girl thinks vaginas make something “dirty.” Did she try to get her money back from her husband too?

She “was” young and naive and self-absorbed, but the author’s tone still conveys that despite the intervening years. It’s that lack of any sense of reflective criticism whatsoever that rankles a bit. Especially when it’s the typical “affair with swarthy, macho man in a foreign land” story that ALL those types of

Uff, this is such a terribly condescending article. As an Indian urban woman from a city, I find her tone patronising to say the least. I have no desire to defend the deep patriarchal mindset that most Indian men, and several women, in my country swear by - but c’mon, this is ridiculous. She goes to a semi-urban part

I think much of that has a lot to do with knowing your kid, like you said. You can tell when your kid is in actual distress (upset/hurt/etc), and hopefully other parents can with their kids. For me, it helps that my son (3) is a horrible little actor. Like, he took a dive to the floor yesterday that was worse than a