
I just love it when people try to blame/shame children for their socio-economic status. I mean, seriously - can't these kids just get jobs and buy their own Snickers?

Haha, thanks! I'm sure someone else has done it before, but I still feel clever for coming up with it :)

Uhhh, how many books have YOU published, you moronic moron!?

If it's published, it MUST be good! Look at 50 Shades of Grey!!

50 Shades is an excellent example of "if you see this, run!" There's literally not a single good thing about that series. Nothing. No positive relationships, friendships or otherwise. No writing/grammar to admire. Nothing. Well, I guess you could be impressed by the fact that she managed to get away with publishing

I'll feel so cool for about 15 seconds if that's the case. 'Cause nobody would care but me that I 'called it!'

Great minds think alike? ;)

Ahahaha, I love it! This could be soooo much fun!

Well, it's either Rowling, GOD, or RL Stine... or Terrance Dicks?


Anyone with real-life awareness of BDSM ought to be shocked, appalled, and angry at that portrayal of a BDSM relationship.

I love this article.

I'm really surprised that more people haven't spoken up about how offensive/ignorant these books are - I mean, the author basically says that you have to be really screwed up in the head to be into BDSM. Anabellastasia Stwaneele basically saves Chrestwardian Culgreylen from his terrible, dark, ugly, sick mind - which

I finished all 3 books, and I can't even begin to explain the level of my acidic hatred for everything E L James.

Seriously! There are teenagers working at minimum wage jobs after school to help their parents pay utility bills and buy groceries. The fact that she was able to save up for designer brand apparel tells me that her parents had already given her everything she needed, which is more than thousands - millions? - of

Am I supposed to (pretend to?) believe that she cooks a variety of delicious meals for her family?

My high school had a freakin' awesome history department, in my opinion...

I'm a curmudgeon in training and my initial reaction is, "That is utterly tacky."

OK, not to be a jerk or a stick in the mud... but wow is it embarrassing to be called "a fool" by the president, even in jest.

That's how I ended up at my first wedding! I was in the third grade and my mother's cousin's daughter (or something like that) was getting married. We flew out to California (of course) and stayed for 3 weeks. Because that's how long we celebrated. 3 weeks of nightly parties, gallons of chai, people I'd never seen