
And Hiro looks a bit like Hiccup in the Dragons franchise, albeit more Japanese. I guess there tend to be certain similarities among CG characters.

My opinion: It should be about the science. About the facts gathered, and how the overwhelming preponderance of the evidence points to human-centric global warming. You can debate specific points of view, certain models of rate-of-change and perhaps related errata... but you can't debate that climate change is a

I agree completely. Science isn't about opinion, it's about fact. That's why theories are revised as new information becomes available. It was before my time, but electrons were once thought to orbit in nice neat patterns around the nucleus. New information = revision of the theory. These guys...and I include Mr.

I understand that the Georgia teacher is letting local pressure affect her curriculum...but there is some value in her method. When I read the phrase "No right or wrong answer", I can interpret it as "No preconceived notion", which is the essence of scientific analysis. You let the data guide you to your answer.

Anthropomorphic climate change would be awesome!!! You'll finally get to find out what all those hurricanes are thinking.



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Do you mean "Still Alive" by Johnathan Coulton (as sung by GladOS) ?

Spiders are awesome.

Not only is this jumping spider wearing a bubble hat, but he or she is wearing a rainbow bubble hat; they were probably feeling extra fabulous that day.

Notice, have to click on Expand to see it. :-P

Uh... nope it's not like it has a whole co-op multiplayer mode. And they totally didn't add that perpetual testing initiative...

Shame that the game sucks horribly. Here's hoping that the Telltale game is all kinds of awesome.

The showrunners of Clone High were Chris Miller and Phil Lord, who wrote and directed The LEGO Movie, so they most likely did it on purpose.

Am I the only one who noticed that Will Forte plays the voice of Abe Lincoln in this, and that he also played the voice of Abe Lincoln in Clone High?

Not to mention he's also Nick Fury and DISNEY CLOUT.